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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. If I’m not going to buy a Vita in the foreseeable future, I can’t see myself paying for this.
  2. I've decided to finally work my way through the PS4 games that we own. There are quite a few that I own and have either not finished, or not started. To help balance things out, I've looked through all my unplayed/unfinished games and sorted them into categories (my Partner also plays games, so I thought it would be a good idea to have some alternatives if she is playing something or if I need a break from longer single player Campaigns). Main Game Secondary Game Quick Game Alternative Game Red Dead Redemption 2 Stardew Valley Hellblade Chrono Trigger The Witcher 3 Hitman What Remains of Edith Finch Breath of the Wild Horizon Zero Dawn Rayman Legends Bound Majora's Mask The Witness Tearaway Unfolded Hatoful Boyfriend Pikmin 3 Eternal Darkness Outlast This War of Mine Halo: Combat Evolved Dishonoured Final Fantasy 7 Star Wars: Rogue Leader 2 Metroid Prime Assassin's Creed Origins Second Sight Titan Souls Trackmania Turbo The Surge Kung Fu Panda Ni No Kuni Watch Dogs 2 Bioshock 2 Remake Mad Max Metal Gear Solid 5 Final Fantasy 7 Darksiders 2 Child of Light Final Fantasy 9 Amnesia Collection Little Big Planet 3 Assassin's Creed Odyssey The aim being to have finish as many as possible by September. (I've just revised this list as of 16/6 as a few games were part of my partner's PS+ account and I don't fancy paying twice to access the games. I'll add in Sonic Mania and Borderlands 2 into the mix instead. Update: I've now finished the main story for Red Dead Redemption 2. One of those games where I didn't really care about it for the first few Chapters, but now I wish there was a whole slew of story DLC to play (which for me is beyond rare).
  3. Still trooping on with RDR2. I’m buying into the story now which makes me look forward to my sessions. Aiming to finish it either this weekend or Monday as I have the day off.
  4. I’ll look forward to watching when I get home.
  5. The Outsider. Thriller's are such a guilty pleasure and Stephen King equally. Due to work (and being a bit hungover) I've only read about 50 pages, but I can see myself losing a lot of my Sunday to this.
  6. A little bit of me wants to play N64 and Gamecube today, but I'm not sure what...
  7. Continuing with the BBC theme of my television watching, I've started (after countless recommendations) Line of Duty. I can sense this being very, very good.
  8. I’ve done my best to post when this feels like an inconvenience. Take that into account.
  9. Ill definitely buy the book (well, books) but I feel I will need to motivate myself to read it.
  10. It's interesting that thus far, despite knowing the end of the world is coming, we haven't seen much regarding emissaries to other lands to help with the war (or promise of payment once they have won). It does seem that with lands to the East and the West, they could essentially have the fight coming down and from all sides to the undead army.
  11. Fleabag Season 2: Also magic, a little bit more tragic and ridiculous, but some genuinely great writing choices carry it sky high.
  12. 98% of all ducks that don't end up being eaten, die of lung cancer. Sad but true, but they made their choice.
  13. Now there's a game series that I should play, but may never get around too.
  14. This is a thread spurred by my recent annoyance playing Chrono Trigger. It's not as though a 24 year old game needs to come with a spoiler warning, but it was the classic case of working towards a boss, many smaller fights, came to a mini-boss and died...then I realised I hadn't saved in about an hour and then...title screen. Loaded up the game and back I was again, which I know in essence was entirely my fault, but it makes me thankful for the modern approach of that last bonfire, the entrance of the dungeon or just...coming back to life. With that in mind, are there any older gaming tropes you're glad have been laid on a boat, pushed into the ocean and set alight by a flaming arrow? Or for the sadists, any that have been retired but you wish would come back for one more tour?
  15. Rice is the correct answer here. Not just because it makes up at least 5 meals a week for me, but it's just more diverse and useful (in my day-to-day) than Corn.
  16. The console my mother bought for me when I was 3 and we started to go on longer car journey's. In her words "I don't think I could handle you talking and asking questions the entire time we were driving". I'm thankful and along with the Mega Drive, the Master System and the Commodore 64, set me on the path to loving games.
  17. I've clicked on this thread about 5 times now and each time I'm unsure whether I would want a revised, smaller model or not. I've been saying it for, well two years now, but I want a Switch, but if we look at it from the 3DS point of view, a slightly bumped up console was used for a small selection of games, typically those that could be played elsewhere in a superior fashion. If they release a model though that's very cheap, maybe with a bundle, I'll think about it (as it stands, once I've paid off everything this year, unless something incredible happens, OG Switch will in fact be my jam.
  18. The only JRPG I ever finished. I'm not sure if that's something I'm proud of or not...
  19. Although I'm always far too tight to pay for a new console anywhere near release, I was never a fan of the semi-generation leap, where we end of up with a number of releases that are either hamstrung or not fully supported for a fair length of time. I do appreciate it allows for a console to have releases and in a sense can be a good showcase as it'll be a direct comparison. That said, I'm still happy to plod along with the PS4 as it is due to the number of games that I still haven't played/finished and then my next purchase will be a Switch as it fits more into how I like to play games now. I still look forward to seeing what Sony (and Microsoft) have decided will be the future of gaming and how they will react or move with the concept of streaming consoles but I'll definitely have a 'wait and see' approach.
  20. Started watching a BBC comedy/drama called Fleabag. Genuinely very funny and very English sense of humour
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