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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. La Belle Sauvage is finished and was perfectly OK. Read like the Amber Spyglass in terms of style, with additional swearing. Now onto the Farseer trilogy and so far, so very good.
  2. I’ve accepted now that I won’t be buying a Switch until next Summer, but at least there’s going to be a lot to play. Good direct all round, although I would rally hope that they make side quest locating a bit more obvious is Xenoblade. Distinctly remember in the 15 hours I’ve played being confused as fuck, wandering around with no real clue.
  3. I’ll be starting training as of tomorrow and term starts on Monday. I’ve had my 8 weeks and now back to the fray.
  4. Been away in Italy so had some reading time. Finished off the Falcon of Sparta which I enjoyed and felt like I’ve skimmed on some interesting elements of history. Also, in about a day read The Nickel Boys and really enjoyed it, partly as a story, just for how well written everything is. Now The Book of Dust and then it’s back book buying.
  5. Cut it in half, fold it and destroy.
  6. I would enter that confidently unless turns out those chaps are 10 foot tall
  7. Any word on the type of weapon that's being used?
  8. I may get this for my partner, she's a fan of 'endless' games and this could be well up her street.
  9. I won't lie, I used to love going to a cinema near where I lived at University and they did fries with this weird, gloopy, sort of spicy cheese that was fantastic (especially when hungover).
  10. As is the way, the free money that I had has been thrown at some travel costs, so I meandered around my house and ended up setting up my Gamecube. I've tried to play a few games a while ago, but Composite into HDTV just didn't cut it. However, after the realisation that I can just change the aspect ratio to 4:3, it's pretty much playable. Off that, I'm nearly onto the third Chapter of Eternal Darkness, which I remember barely anything of. So far, it's ridiculous, quite silly, very clunky but ultimately charming. So rather than look at what's current, I may look into the last 20 years of gaming and see if forced restrictions in build will help with this 'problem'.
  11. Either I'm uncultured, or it's because I live in the UK, but mind elaborating on why a crisp is thread worthy.
  12. I did love RE2 and really enjoyed RE7, so this is a logical choice for me, though it will need to wait a little bit.
  13. Thank you everyone, I’ve been thinking about Dead Cells, Hollow Knight and a number of the suggestions so will pick one up soon and hope for an ‘end of summer’ sale.
  14. I am also the right age to both miss these and wonder why I liked them so much in the first place.
  15. I've decided to become a primary school teacher (ages 4-11) and so will be completing a Post Graduate Certificate of Education, starting the 2nd of September. I can't wait, more so as I'll be mainly based in a school, with 37 training days mixed in with this to focus on the more academic areas. I've started on my first 'assignment' - namely reading around education theories and classroom approaches for a discussion at a Residential at the end of August, linking in with our first assignment. I also forgot how much I enjoy the process of researching and writing academically (the endless reading, the filtering, the composition, argument) even though I'm not exactly the greatest at it. I'm also excited that, hopefully this time next year, I will be working in a field that I care about, with prior experience that will allow me to progress, with the scope to grow and gain more qualifications and on a personal level, feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. I'm also writing this in a pub, on my second pint, eating chips because it's the Summer Holidays.
  16. With being pretty busy all year, I’ve not exactly flown through games recently. Major releases I’ve finished this year would be God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. Its the summer now, so I thought I’d use this time to catch up on a few. I tried Horizon Zero Dawn and...no. We have the Assassins Creed releases and again, no. Would this be the right time to maybe look at ‘indie’ titles and expand my enjoyment (though that brings its own headache on deciding which one is the right one). I'm not sure of my point, although this slump and meant I’ve picked up Rocket League again and already hitting my ceiling after a couple of days.
  17. Watched Sully whilst doing some work (well, re-watched). Tom Hanks might have the best strike rate for ‘perfectly watchable, always good’ movies. This is is an easy 8/10
  18. Out of the options, Powerade. However, I'm more of a fan of making my own as it's cheaper.
  19. So one teaching book down, now onto The Teachers' Standards: 3rd Edition. To balance that, along with the Philip Pullman book mentioned, I also picked up The Falcon of Sparta as I do like some Conn Iggulden.
  20. I’m halfway through Iron Cowboy and it’s fairly by the numbers. I did like his daughters idea of 50 5k’s in 50 days. May give that a go. But yeah, maybe a 6/10.
  21. I’ve never really played wipeout but I loved F Zero GX so I’m hoping this fills a void. Sniper also seems to be decent.
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