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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. In remembering that I had Chrono Trigger on the DS unfinished, it made me pick up my DS and now I've started Soul Silver (for the first time), although I'm not sure if I have the patience for a Pokemon game these days.
  2. Like everyone that played Alan Wake, I'd say that it's been at least 7 years, if not more, since I played it. I do remember the dodge mechanic being finicky, but ultimately it handling reasonably well.
  3. Creed 2. Me after it finished: I love the Rocky universe and this was another fine, fine addition.
  4. I found it was the kind of game that was best played in shorter bursts, though it was a great game. Genuinely looking forward to Doom: Eternal, which is rare as bar Death Stranding, I've not actively looked forward to a game in years.
  5. I'm trying out Horizon Zero Dawn and so far, I like the combat (feels identical to Tomb Raider), it looks great, the story and setting is interesting and it controls well. I'm not sure how much I'll like the way the world map will definitely become overly cluttered with unnecessary missions, things to collect etc, but I'll keep plodding through.
  6. @CastlevaniaNut18 now likes reading/talking about games as part of the hobby more than playing them.
  7. After listening to the Giant Bombcast segment from E3 about unions, this is the case. Otherwise, we'll just keep hearing about these stories with the overarching feeling of 'well, if you want to work in the industry, this is how we do it'.
  8. I do feel I'm missing out as I have barely scratched the surface of indie releases. To repeat the same post, I feel that once I pick up a Switch, this will change as the console does lend itself to playing more of a range of games (than I would want to sitting in front of a television with my PS4).
  9. I was working at a building site and I think it took about 15 minutes from hearing on the radio that he had died, for the first wage of jokes to come through on everyone's phone.
  10. There's something about being the simplest and most streamlined (minimalist?) message board on the internet.
  11. Just to pipe in again, I booked the weekend off from my second job, so working a delightful 35 hours this week.
  12. After a busy weekend I was in no mood for Monday. Being very nearly the end of the school year, most days have a good few irritating moments but on reflection, it helps to remember they’re 7-11 years old. Either way, Ready for summer holidays.
  13. No to spanking or any kind of physical punishment. Yes to clear boundaries, rules and expectations and just as clear consequences (timeouts, reduction in privilege etc)
  14. After listening to some of the guys that are involved in Yakuza on the Giant Bombcast from E3, I really, really want to give it a shot (at some point after finishing the Witcher 3 and starting Horizon Zero Dawn).
  15. This is about a boring a thread as I can make over something as stupid as it sounds. I love the idea of small, well built properties with a smartly laid out interior that would be suitable for 1-2 people. This is now getting to the point where I'm confident if I'm alone when I'm 70, I'm going to buy a Shepherd's Hut and live in it, read all day, play whatever portable games console still works and wait to either die by exposure, or being stolen, house included in the middle of the night.
  16. Death Stranding and Doom Eternal are the main ones, though if I buy a Switch that'll open the list up.
  17. Northern Light finished, genuinely very interesting (though with the potential for politics, it would be nice if it was an adult targeted fantasy book at times) and I've borrowed the Subtle Knife. My partner also bought me Good Omens over the weekend, so I'm reading that first - so far it's been funny, though I've been so tired lately it's hard to concentrate on reading.
  18. I would agree with this (regarding dungeons), but it is still nice to see long-term achievement recognised at Nintendo.
  19. I think like most things, it had a strong first book when the idea was fresh and the protagonist had a clear direction and characterisation. Then like most sequels, it had to find reasons for things to progress which always leads to a lowering of quality. (unless there was a clear plan for three books, in which case, it's just not that great)
  20. Question, outside of America, where else has broadband data capped? I have unlimited, 49.27Mbps download and that seems fairly standard in the UK for not that much money (I pay £38 a month and could get the same result, for cheaper if/when I switch with my contract renewal).
  21. I’d be in for it, but not for big budget games that most (not yet I) are looking to play in 4K. Give me a selection of smaller, indie games however that usually cost £5-15 on a streaming basis, I could be keen.
  22. Supplements I've found are good if you're coming out of workouts either absolutely shattered, mainly they're great to save having to eat the same kind of foods fairly endlessly. Do some research, buy some if they seem like they're help, try it for a month and see. I've been terrible in regards to weight training for the past month, it seems that having time off and then coming back just ruined the routine (the same excuse for everyone that doesn't take things seriously enough, I know) - but I've been running still and I'm always walking everywhere which does help. Either way, the challenge of the week is: Run 15 miles Walk 25 miles Weight train/circuit train twice This goes on top of the current system of 15 good meals = one cheat meal, which I know is a poor reward system, but it makes the world a happier place.
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