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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. England is Mine - 6/10. I appreciate the fact that Morrissey struggled in his personal life but the movie succeeds in making him such an unlikable person. I'm not a Morrissey fan and I'm sure this is a good reflection of him as a young man, but it's a struggle to want to watch him and in turn, the film itself.
  2. Just made my bed and put away my clothes. Satisfaction achieved.
  3. Fucked my foot a few weeks ago which has been a pain (figuratively and literally) so rather than jogging/sprints, I've been using the bikes at the gym. Works perfectly well, just incredibly boring. Also now we're into the summer holidays, return back to weight training which has been good after a few months off. I've come to accept that due to my wrist, I'll never be able to lift anything exceptionally high (though pressing is fine) so deadlifts, rows etc are limited, but that's OK - I suppose.
  4. I do. In an ideal world, I wake up early, go to the gym, walk to the dog, make the bed, tidy and wash up and then cook for the day. Since it's so fucking hot and I can't sleep, that's not exactly been the run of things but I do always try and keep things orderly (it allows me to not feel I'm living in a hovel and so can enjoy doing anything else).
  5. I know that feeling. It's a summer thing, but I feel as though I should do different things with my time other than sitting and gaming.
  6. For those interested, I did in fact mean Catching Fire. Although apparently I have watched half of Mockingjay: Part 1 according to Netflix.
  7. I'm not sure why I clicked on this thread as I've not watched Endgame and avoided everything about it until this point
  8. The acting felt a little bit more believable and the starting point of a Civil War felt quite interesting. I may redact my statement on watching the final parts.
  9. I started the series with 3 as I never had an OG Xbox. I have however played through about 3/4 of Halo: CE Anniversary and bar some lengthy wandering sessions, it does hold it very well. Reach will always be my favourite as it was the first one that I pre-ordered and ended up getting very into the online, but a good series all the same.
  10. I'm at the end of the Amber Spyglass, but just haven't pushed through the last 150 pages or so (I say that like I haven't enjoyed it quite a bit). I need to go charity shopping soon to see if I can pick up some new reads for the rest of summer.
  11. The Hunger Games - It was on Netflix and I had a lot of time to kill. 6/10 Hunger Games: Mockingjay - As above, but slightly better 7/10 ...I'll watch them all this week.
  12. That's the kind of thing where I would probably go against all social protocol and get a little bit too drunk for a person on their own and then get a little bit too into the music. Then subsequently spend an hour afterwards messaging people to go for a night out.
  13. I enjoyed it, I want more of it. Like a few people, I do feel it may not have been as strong as the first two seasons, however they were both 10's, this was a mere 9.5.
  14. The Festival 6.5/10 - I laughed a lot, but I feel that it would only appeal to a certain age group from a certain part of the world.
  15. Miyamoto, Kojima, Yokoi and Mikami with Iwata's face carved into the moon for good measure.
  16. From the last few weeks: The Nun - 3/10, pile of boring shite. A Star is Born - 6.5/10, soundtrack and the plot I enjoyed, but it was equally cringe inducing at the same time Green Book - 8.5/10, felt like an Oscar baiting script, I don't care, really enjoyed it and the fact it ended on a happy note Moneyball - 8/10, I love sports films, regardless of whether I enjoy the sport or not. Although not the pinnacle, it was still well worth a watch.
  17. I purposefully stopped playing Overwatch as it was starting to dominate all my gaming time...but I do really, really like it and this is such a good excuse to re-download (I may ever just say goodbye to my life and get back on Rocket League)
  18. I can't seem to sit down and play a console game at the moment (I've been busy with this and that and have found myself reading a lot more at the moment) but, for whatever reason, I've started New Super Mario Bros again (on the DS) and it's great. I love handheld gaming for this very reason (pick up and play, short bursts) and if I finish it, will either move on to Spirit Tracks, or something else...DS-based for the time being.
  19. More importantly, we now know that New Zealand will face England in the Cricket World Cup Final.
  20. It's not on the same level as a takeaway pizza, but I can get a perfectly nice mozzarella and basil pizza from Aldi from 1/10 the price of one delivered. It doesn't have that fun of having food brought to me, but I'm cheap soo...
  21. I remember reading the positives of putting clothes in the freezer to kill any bacteria. I'm a sweaty fuck though so I can't live that life.
  22. I need to wait for overall impressions before thinking about this, however if they go like-for-like with the pricing, I won't bother. If however, it releases for £160 in the UK, I could be very tempted as I doubt I'll ever really play in Docked mode.
  23. I think it's best to start with the catalyst for this thread, namely https://www.polygon.com/2019/7/8/20680953/king-kong-xbox-360-game-rayman-michel-ancel and then move into the concept. I remember buying King Kong on the Gamecube, what must have been 6 months before I picked up an Xbox 360 (no correlation, bar the timing) as it was cheap and I'd seemingly played everything else on the Gamecube. Unlike the author of the article, I don't remember a huge amount from the game, bar it being surprisingly scary due to the nature of the combat and the enemies and parts of the game looking fantastic. The article does beg the question though, what movie tie-ins did you either love, or find were much better than they had any right to be? To start off, we will not be talking about Goldeneye or Spiderman 2 in this thread as it has already been thoroughly discussed. As it's my thread however, I will start off with three games that I loved, played a huge amount and will still revisit from time-to-time now, when I want that hit of 'I love this, although I know it hasn't aged well'. Mission Impossible (N64) I remember this being the first game my best friend and I actively followed until release (including the pain of it's significant delay) and when we played it, we both loved it. It had a great (mature) plot, the mechanics were decent and the spy element was implemented pretty fantastically (good gadgets, not forgetting the Face Changer). The above mission 'Embassy' was one that I replayed almost as much as Facility. The World is Not Enough (N64) So underrated as it wasn't developed by Rare, but this took all the mechanics of Goldeneye, added more stealth bits, more story and a great opening sequence to make a very good FPS for it's time. This also laid the foundation for EA's surprisingly good James Bond offerings on the subsequent generation (Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, Everything or Nothing, From Russia With Love). Tomorrow Never Dies (PS1) I know it's basically shit and a rip-off of Syphon Filter. It handles poorly, looks and sound shit, but...it's really fun. Really diverse and it was the first PS1 game that I had bought for me as a Christmas present. There was shooting, driving and skiing all in the one package which was nice and the film, despite not being the strongest, will always be one of my favourites as it was the first I owned on VHS.
  24. I don't know if I care enough about this to look forward to it, but it did spark the conversation in my house about which remake we would like next. I opted for Hercules as I feel with great CGI and the song set, it could be wonderful.
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