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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Titanfall 2 which is now completed and deleted Sonic Mania (I think I'm now on the 3rd world) The Last of Us: Left Behind, as I wanted something short, relevant to this year and was something I hadn't played yet I've also (for no real reason) downloaded Fortnite again, which I'm sure will be deleted pretty quickly but you never know. UPDATE: As I did literally no work yesterday, today I only had time to try out Fotnite. I played one game, came fifth and I think that'll do me. BR as a genre just doesn't do it for me (I need that immediacy that comes from being able to instantly respawn or direct competition with the chance of being able to right a wrong without completely starting over). I'm going to see if I can put some more time into Majora's Mask tomorrow (although I watched an Arlo youtube video about suggestions for BotW 2 and now I want to go back to it to try and finish the main game.
  2. Titanfall 2 B+ Resident Evil 2 A What Remains of Edith Finch A Death Stranding A Horizon Zero Dawn B The Last of Us: Part 2 A+ Resident Evil 4 B
  3. TItanfall 2 (with the intention of hopefully finishing it this weekend, if I get my school work finished off) and also played some Majora's Mask on the N64. I'm at the point where I need to find the eggs for the singer, so I think I'll spend a few evenings going through the game, collecting the masks and finishing it for the first time ever. UPDATE: And finished. Really good game and it did enough to make it interesting when the main premise seemed to go - you need to do this, it went wrong, do another thing so you can do the original thing. It did give me the same fun vibes that Bulletstorm and Doom both did, which is nice considering I find a lot of games released tend to be very good, but not 'fun'. I've still got RE2 on the backburner and I've never played the The Last of Us DLC (Left Behind) which I believe is included with the remaster, so I might download that to see what it's like.
  4. We had an Amiga in the house which I remember playing a game called Putty and an F1 game on. Then my sister had a MegaDrive (Genesis) for her birthday I think in 1994, then I received an N64 for Christmas.
  5. PS+ is more of a nice addition and does give me some options regarding games, but generally due to the age of the games I buy a fair few in between. It would be nice if you could share games across accounts where only one person has PS+, as at the moment, I've had an account for about a year and so have all releases, then on my Partner's account (my old one) she has games back to 2016, which I can't access.
  6. It is amazing that globally we haven't addressed the climate emergency. I'm not overly keen on movements like the Extinction Rebellion and I wonder, realistically what is the individual impact of climate awareness and action is compared with the lack of action by global powers and companies.
  7. Not that I'm being a complete cliche, but after being terrible at exercising (outside of walking, the occasional jog etc) I'm back on the home workout band wagon. Today was 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest of: squats with a punch combo, climb down press ups, high knees on the spot, shoulder taps and reverse lunges - completing 5 cycles. Felt good and somewhat easy which is a good sign, but I want to actually complete the challenge that it sets (namely 30 days of 5-7 workouts a week) so I can progress onto the second cycle. The plan is to wake up early (4:30) to have the exercises completed by 5:15 ish, then I can get showered, cook and walk to work for about 6:30. I'm also hoping this will help me get into a routine of being asleep by 9pm.
  8. Starship Troopers Lord of War Jarhead American Psycho Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story I will admit, they are the first films that I could think of, off the top of my head, that aren't popular but I've always really enjoyed.
  9. Quite the bump, but I was stalking through my own profile and saw this post. I'm now 1/3 of the way to becoming a teacher and will hopefully have a job come September.
  10. I do like Dan, but it does sound like he's heading in the right direction for him. Now, to see who will be the replacement...
  11. I've just started in the sections where he appears and it really can be irritating, although after reading a guide about the best way to deal with him, it just suggest legging it to a save room and waiting for the music to go away. I need to get back into RE2 as I haven't touched it since before Christmas and it's not exactly a long game... After finishing Super Mario 64 DS and sort of playing GTA3 (I'm tempted to abandon ship on both 3 and Vice City and just play through San Andreas due to the irritation of some of the missions) I wanted something that I could just kick back and play. I settled on Pokemon: Soul Silver and after honestly not playing any Pokemon games (for more than 2 hours) since Red, this is really fun and quite relaxing. There's something about catching a new Pokemon in an area, getting everything over-levelled and steam-rolling through all encounters, at least so far that's very fun. At some point as well, I would like to finish Metroid Prime (I am literally across the way from the Ice Beam so I could just use a guide and I've never finished the game before yet really enjoy the game and the genre).
  12. My wife is playing it (again) as we speak (type?) and loving it immensely. She's a fan though of massively immersive games, so her favourites include the likes of Skyrim, The Sims etc. All I can say is it's given me plenty of reading time.
  13. So far I've completed about 13 missions and have only been pissed off maybe the 8 times playing them. Most missions are very straight forward (in GTA3) which does make the game easy to play through and the AI can work in your favour, however the one aspect of modern gaming that I miss continually is auto saving.
  14. I've nearly finished Quichotte which was been a really wonderful book. Very surreal, difficult at times to comprehend (not from a writing difficulty, but an intentional reflection of insanity) and was well worth it's nomination for the Booker Prize. Next up, the intimidating Ducks, Newburyport. UPDATE: So, I tried reading Ducks, Newburyport and one thing I did not realise - it's written as a continuous prose with most run-on sentences beginning with "but the fact is...". Maybe I'm not in the right place, but I just couldn't read it for more than 2 minutes. I've instead opted for Wolf Hall which is slap bang in my genre and style of writing, so I already know I'll be a fan.
  15. 3rd Generation Master System Super Wonder Boy in Monster Land: This is a very weird choice I know as my head tells me that Super Mario Bros. 3 or another big game from the era would be more sensible, but I have such fond memories of Super Wonder Boy. I used to play it with my Best Friend when we were about 4, borrowing his Sister's Master System and it taking us maybe 2 years to actually complete. The game is also suitably long, challenging and fun. 4th Generation SNES Super Metroid: For me, a controversial choice as I haven't finished the game, but like SM64, I feel that it has replayability through getting better at the game and running it faster. Breaking the game is also very fun and the overall quality of the game is also very high. I was very tempted by something like Street Fighter 2: Turbo, Super Mario World etc, but this seems like the right choice. 5th Generation Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64: I did think of the more focused outing on the N64 (OoT, BK, Perfect Dark) and then the more outfield ones like 1080 Snowboarding or Excitebike 64 which I loved, but I think Super Mario 64 has the most longevity of any game. Not just because it's a very, very good game and has a large amount of content, but the speed running aspect would offer an extra level of continued playing (whereas I feel the other games on the console, outside of maybe Mario Kart 64, I wouldn't find that process interesting). 6th Generation Gamecube Timesplitters 2: Naturally, games like Resident Evil, Metroid Prime etc came to mind but the closest competition for me in reality was between my choice and F Zero GX. Both games I feel offer a lot of content and for F Zero, the chance to get a lot better and learn the game more intimately, but I think for the depth of the single player and multiplayer, Timesplitters 2 would be a game I would be most happy to come back repeatedly. Super Smash Bros. Melee would be close, but not clos 7th Generation Xbox 360 Gears of War 2: I think I put about 300 hours into this online (that was along with the worldwide obsession with CoD4 that most had as well). I loved the Campaign, but with the online game, Horde Mode etc, I would happily play this across a whole generation and nothing else. 8th Generation PlayStation 4 Rocket League: This was a tricky one as there are a number of games that I could space out over a long time (RDR2, GTA5, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Bloodborne) but I feel that Rocket League is something that I could come back to every single day, make progress, become better and remain entertained. I do however feel that Hearthstone would be here if I had put any time into it.
  16. To start with, apologies for the horrendous thread title, I'm sure I'll go back to it and amend it later on. This came to me whilst watching a video on YouTube of two people playing Ocarina of Time for the first time, for one because they sold their N64 for a PS1. Now, during the mid-90's, when I was still in the single digits for age, I was very much an N64 player. This wasn't due to allegiance (in our household, I started with a Commodore 64, then a Gameboy, followed by a Genesis and then the N64), but it was just the one we happened to get for Christmas. Then thinking about the games available across both systems, I'm acutely aware that the N64 did not have an expansive library, but when I compare the best examples across both consoles, i would rather play Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie etc, over the best PS1 offerings. Now, it's a fairly standard internet thread to debate the best games across the various generations, but what if you could only select a single game, for one console, per console generation, which would you select? For brevity's sake, I will start at the 3rd generation and only include the larger selling systems in my reminder list, however if you do want to mention anything else, go for it. I would suggest deleting the consoles you wouldn't like to choose, noting the game and a small reason why - ordered fun is the most fun after all. 3rd Generation NES Master System Atari 7800 4th Generation TurboGrafx-16 Genesis + Sega CD SNES Neo Geo/Neo Geo CD 5th Generation Atari Jaguar 3DO Sega Saturn PlayStation Nintendo 64 6th Generation Xbox Gamecube PlayStation 2 Dreamcast 7th Generation Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 Wii 8th Generation Wii U PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch
  17. This was something mentioned in a different thread, but I decided to bring my Playstation 2 from my parents house, back to mine. Along with MGS2, Onimusha 2 and Final Fantasy X, I also decided that I would bring back GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. Now, during that era of gaming, I predominantly played on my Gamecube and really only used my PS2 to watch DVD's. Due to that, I haven't ever finished the GTA games available on the console (I was on the last mission of Vice City at a point, but then my save was deleted) and I thought it might be worth trying to remedy that. Back in the Bad Cartridge days, I did a very similar thing with the MGS games and so I thought I would post a few thoughts and feelings whilst playing a very influential set of games, 15 - 20 years after their release. So far, I've had a crack at the first few missions of GTA3 and it's pleasantly confined, compared with the large (and mostly boring) open worlds of more modern games. It plays reasonably well, doesn't look awful and will apparently take me about 17 hours to complete.
  18. So I completed SM64 after not ever finishing it despite owning it from release i also decided to bring my PlayStation two back to my house from my parents along with all grand theft auto releases so t some point I’ll complete all of them as I haven’t ever before
  19. Well, Nintendo do seem to like re-releases towards the autumn years of a console (looking at the Wii and 3DS) so I'm assuming it's not impossible, but unlikely (unless we're looking at eventually getting a mini console, or something online).
  20. Now at 61 stars and still having a great time. Some "missions" are a bit of a pain, but the relatively small level design does help. 19 stars to go until I can complete the game. I am quite liking having a newer game on the go (RE2) and having something older at the same time for when my partner is playing something. I need to see what to look at next with that in mind as I think she's gearing up to play the Witcher 3 again after the series, so I'll pretty much get access to the PS4 early Saturday/Sunday.
  21. Based on that tweet and without looking into her beliefs of past tweets, it sounds more like a post relating to free speech rather than agreeing to discrimination*. However, what a poor choice of argument to wade into. *I'm sure that I'll be wrong relating to this.
  22. I think there's something about directing or being part of the Bond franchise, more importantly when you make a great one, that adds to a legacy. Although I can see that it would definitely run the risk of detracting from it.
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