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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. The more I think about, the more this seems like the perfect game to play if you're forced to lie in bed for several weeks and you play it whilst watching a series on Netflix.
  2. It's been interesting seeing the reviews come out for the game. I watched the IGN (US) review this morning and they slated nearly every aspect of the game, but similarly told me barely anything about the game as a whole, just everything they didn't write. The actual score (6.8), to me seemed like a way to drive up web traffic, than a fair impression. Especially looking at others impressions (which by in large are in the 8-9/10 range). I'm not picking it up just yet as it seems like a User Review kind of game, but I'm glad I haven't pre-ordered.
  3. I played about 30 minutes of Arkham Knight today and the man-bat scared the life out of me. I also ended up being in town, so picked up RE2 (remake) considering the day and after playing only the first 20 minutes, it's pretty much perfect so far, to me. Also, still plugging away at Chrono Trigger (I've just got the time machine), so I'll keep digging away. It's fun having a DS just to play the occasional game on - though once I finish Chrono Trigger I'll be fairly torn on what to start next (Dragon Quest games, The World Ends with You, Mario & Luigi, Pokemon, the list goes on...)
  4. Of all things, Twilight Princess (Wii version, playing on the Wii U) and I started Chrono Trigger back up on the DS. As you can tell, nothing that current, which is due to being back in education and thus being poor as fuck. The reason for Zelda was mainly I really fancied a good adventure game and I've never finished it, plus I remember it being pretty easy, so I'm aiming to blast through it relatively quickly if it maintains my interest.
  5. I'd be interested to see how they came to those decisions (it would be nice if it was based on a company wide poll).
  6. Open question, is The Handmaids Tale actually worth reading? I need to go charity shop book buying and I’m assuming it’ll be available (along with 200 copies of Fifty Shades of a Gray and Gone Girl)
  7. Reading the Assassin's Quest - Robin Hobb. I'm not emotionally ready to finish the series and have a gulf in my life.
  8. I would play OoT with a guide nearby for any moments you become a tad lost, then Wind Waker. Then if you still fancy more after that, LttP, TP and then SS. Although if you're willing to buy it, I'd put Majora's Mask after LttP.
  9. I watched The Boys. One of the best new things I’ve seen in a long time. I’m also just so happy that television CGI has reached the ‘I don’t notice it’s CGI’ as it can make a 9 hour experience so much more immersive.
  10. Pretty much every summer I have that feeling. I have the time, I have things to play, but I can only sit down for 20 minutes before losing interest. I mix it up then with reading, music and movies and then come back to gaming as the weather shifts. Usually with either a really well reviews game or some shorter experiences.
  11. I've started my teacher training and with the commute and workload, I wasn't able to fit in the gym (I tried in the morning but the earliest I can wake up is 5am it seems and I had enough time to get up, get my clothes ready, cook food for the day, shower and get to the bus station) and after, depending on how late I stay I still have a high workload). So I've paid for a workout programme at home, so there's bodyweight workouts that you exercise along with, a really robust food plan and it works in 25 minute HIIT bursts. I'll see how it goes, but I just like the idea of someone else guiding my eating and workouts (though naturally, will always have extra with rugby, walking, dog walking, running) but the fact I'm 30 in 2 months has made me want to enter that part of my life (and career) as a role model for people that I'm with. I'll see how it goes.
  12. No, because it won't have the pin issue (or pairing issues). That's just after a look at a few forums mind...
  13. Had a few pints of a local beer called AM:PM which was nice and some Middle Eastern beers when eating out which were perfectly fine.
  14. We bought Man of Medan, so I can't say my buying habits have dwindled, but I've held off from Control after hearing of the performance issues and the fact that after I've finished Arkham Knight, there was earlier releases in the Year that need my attention.
  15. Fleabag (Live): It was one of those "performed live in London, shown in select cinema deals". It was very well done, very, very well acted and for those that enjoyed the series, essential. My take away was it may have been more impactful after another year as the series only recently finished, but still, Waller-Bridge is now a British icon.
  16. So we finished Man of Medan and it was perfectly fine. I love the gameplay and the idea of playing with people sitting with you, but it ended too soon and I did t feel the fear. On finishing, it does show the next game due to be released and I’m very interested in that.
  17. La Belle Sauvage is finished and was perfectly OK. Read like the Amber Spyglass in terms of style, with additional swearing. Now onto the Farseer trilogy and so far, so very good.
  18. I’ve accepted now that I won’t be buying a Switch until next Summer, but at least there’s going to be a lot to play. Good direct all round, although I would rally hope that they make side quest locating a bit more obvious is Xenoblade. Distinctly remember in the 15 hours I’ve played being confused as fuck, wandering around with no real clue.
  19. I’ll be starting training as of tomorrow and term starts on Monday. I’ve had my 8 weeks and now back to the fray.
  20. Been away in Italy so had some reading time. Finished off the Falcon of Sparta which I enjoyed and felt like I’ve skimmed on some interesting elements of history. Also, in about a day read The Nickel Boys and really enjoyed it, partly as a story, just for how well written everything is. Now The Book of Dust and then it’s back book buying.
  21. Cut it in half, fold it and destroy.
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