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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Typically when they break and with the budget (namely, bad) laptops I can afford, it tends to be every 4-5 years.
  2. Hot bath and then there's a stretch that I learned from a physio. Sitting on a chair, cross the leg of your sore hip over the thigh of the other side (so the ankle is resting on the quad) and then press down on the knee of the 'sore hip leg'. It helped me to do it with some deep breathing to try and increase the range of motion and it's something I do if I'm sitting anywhere for more than 10 minutes, just as a bit of self care.
  3. My wife bought me Lila and the Secret of Rain (nice book targeted at 6-8 year olds) as I'll be teaching it next week so it makes sense to have a copy. I imagine it'll take about...10 minutes to finish off
  4. Breath of the Wild, just finding Shrines, getting armour, killing things and avoiding trying to actually finish it. As I seem to post every week, I also still intent to get back into RE2...but then I'm playing rugby tomorrow and have work to do...
  5. I'm only typing this as I've been playing our Wii U off and on recently (with being a student, I've had to make a lot of cut backs with purchases outside of food and bills, so gaming wise I'm restricted) and whilst I appreciate that the console does have an inbuilt requirement for the gamepad, there still enough experiences (or experiences that could have been patched in, following success) to make it worthwhile to have released a Wii U with a Pro controller. I'm never sure about UK pricing, but it would have been the sort of thing to get a £99.99 release with Mario, Donkey Kong or Smash or similar. Naturally, with perspective the reason for the lack of a release was due to the decision to abandon ship pretty quickly, focus on a true hybrid etc etc It just seems odd, with Nintendo's track record of redesigning consoles, to not at least roll this one out.
  6. Was there a good episode with Apu featuring prominently that wasn't the one where he loses his job?
  7. I look at this thread endlessly and always think to myself - I really need to make better use of spotify outside of gaming podcasts and pre-made playlists to run to. Maybe I should start to try and listen to one new album a week...
  8. Although I have no intention of buying one for a few years, I would lean towards PS5. However, if we do get a Switch Pro (or successor) and Nintendo allow Gamepass to be playable via the cloud, that might be a game changer.
  9. IT: Chapter 2 - 9/10 Now, like most scores given by random, unknown people on the internet - I should provide some context. I really enjoy Stephen King, I've read a fair few books, 'It' being one of them. Shockingly, I really liked it (though I would accept a redact of the children orgy). I also really enjoyed the first movie and I've watched it maybe three or four times now. I was however apprehensive about this after reading some impressions and seeing some scores. Thankfully, the 'opinions are like assholes' thing holds strong. I loved it. I really liked the fact it was campy, I enjoyed the fact it didn't care how long it was. Unlike most horror movies, it didn't want to be serious and that cartoon element (for me) allowed the things shown to be pleasantly out-there and in-keeping with the material it was based off. So yeah, for me this was a very strong two-part adaptation and one I will sit down with and watch in total at some point.
  10. As a person nearly 20 years too late for this statement "fuck Whitney". I also decided, after a few games coming in the top 10, to delete Fortnite. I came fifth after literally doing nothing, hung around to see the last few fight and the building level you need to get to, to be good at the game is just beyond my point of caring. If I fancy any more BR in my life, I'll look at Apex Legends.
  11. I might play some (don't judge) Soul Silver today as I'll be out all day and in the evening as well. I think it's time to get back to RE2 as well (for no real reason, I've put off playing it for a while).
  12. I like the look of the website (clean looking, makes sense with the tone and the brands) but I don't love the word 'trendy' - maybe Health and Wellbeing Items?
  13. I keep seeing adverts to teach English in a foreign country (namely China) and if I wasn't very invested in where I live, would be really tempting. At least I know that once i finish my teacher training, that and a TEFL qualification means if we want to move to a different country in the future, there's hopefully a (well paid) route we can go down.
  14. I was watching Arrow when I was at university (which is horrifically long ago now) and really enjoyed it, but I'm very used to the British model of television (maybe 6 episodes, each quite long) and just couldn't be bothered with a season having 20+ episodes, each lasting nearly an hour. That's been pretty much the killer for all of the DC based television programmes for me.
  15. We watched the first 90 minutes of The Irishman last night (so only about 120 minutes left) and so far I'm really enjoying it. I hadn't seen any previews, so I was unaware of the choices they made regarding the characters appearance, but I'm happy with the way it looks and it gives me that wonderful hit of nostalgia, despite the film being new. We watched another half an hour and still great although it may have been better as a series
  16. Titanfall 2 which is now completed and deleted Sonic Mania (I think I'm now on the 3rd world) The Last of Us: Left Behind, as I wanted something short, relevant to this year and was something I hadn't played yet I've also (for no real reason) downloaded Fortnite again, which I'm sure will be deleted pretty quickly but you never know. UPDATE: As I did literally no work yesterday, today I only had time to try out Fotnite. I played one game, came fifth and I think that'll do me. BR as a genre just doesn't do it for me (I need that immediacy that comes from being able to instantly respawn or direct competition with the chance of being able to right a wrong without completely starting over). I'm going to see if I can put some more time into Majora's Mask tomorrow (although I watched an Arlo youtube video about suggestions for BotW 2 and now I want to go back to it to try and finish the main game.
  17. Titanfall 2 B+ Resident Evil 2 A What Remains of Edith Finch A Death Stranding A Horizon Zero Dawn B The Last of Us: Part 2 A+ Resident Evil 4 B
  18. TItanfall 2 (with the intention of hopefully finishing it this weekend, if I get my school work finished off) and also played some Majora's Mask on the N64. I'm at the point where I need to find the eggs for the singer, so I think I'll spend a few evenings going through the game, collecting the masks and finishing it for the first time ever. UPDATE: And finished. Really good game and it did enough to make it interesting when the main premise seemed to go - you need to do this, it went wrong, do another thing so you can do the original thing. It did give me the same fun vibes that Bulletstorm and Doom both did, which is nice considering I find a lot of games released tend to be very good, but not 'fun'. I've still got RE2 on the backburner and I've never played the The Last of Us DLC (Left Behind) which I believe is included with the remaster, so I might download that to see what it's like.
  19. We had an Amiga in the house which I remember playing a game called Putty and an F1 game on. Then my sister had a MegaDrive (Genesis) for her birthday I think in 1994, then I received an N64 for Christmas.
  20. PS+ is more of a nice addition and does give me some options regarding games, but generally due to the age of the games I buy a fair few in between. It would be nice if you could share games across accounts where only one person has PS+, as at the moment, I've had an account for about a year and so have all releases, then on my Partner's account (my old one) she has games back to 2016, which I can't access.
  21. It is amazing that globally we haven't addressed the climate emergency. I'm not overly keen on movements like the Extinction Rebellion and I wonder, realistically what is the individual impact of climate awareness and action is compared with the lack of action by global powers and companies.
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