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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Finished the Boy Who Followed... and it was a great narrative and it gave some very clear depictions of the day-to-day of the Holocaust. It wasn't necessarily a well-written book, but worth as a bit of historical narrative. I've decided to read Washington Black next and after three chapters, seems good to me.
  2. After dying an embarassing amount of times, I've finally escaped the police station in RE2 (most deaths came from trying to find all the last bits in the police station and not being careful enough about being trapped by Mr X or the Lickers). It's also been a really nice feeling to sit down with a game for a decent stretch of time (I think I've actually put an hour in today). Update: A bit more time, I've come to the conclusion that whilst I really like RE2, I'm not very good at it and spend most of my life at caution with a handful of bullets. That said, I've just got past a mini-section with Mr X which is a relief as I just don't enjoy them that much. It does add pressure, but not fun for me. All that said, when I complete it, I'll play another game then complete Claire's scenario and be just as happy/annoyed.
  3. As a person working in Education, I am both incredibly happy and very disappointed that the UK government hasn't decided to close all schools for two weeks.
  4. I was a Gamecube owner first, then a PS2 owner second in the 2000's. However, something tells me I would have felt differently if I was older at release (it was mostly a GTA machine and a DVD player for me)
  5. I read Everything Under over the last week or so, great book...odd book. I've read a lot of 'nominated for...' books, so I've moved on to something a little less author-y and picked up The son who followed his father to Auschwitz and it's been good. After this, I'll have a think about whether I want to carry on with the Booker prize nominees as I've got loads of them, or maybe pick up a much longer book to have a go with (1000+ pages).
  6. After a few weeks of being busy with school, played about 10 minutes of RE2 yesterday. I managed to get the big gun, find more ammo, (yet again) check what I'm supposed to be doing, avoided Mr X and then was killed by a Licker. I blame my wife as she asked me to turn the television down... So long as I get my lesson planning for tomorrow sorted, I'll give it another go today.
  7. Reported case about 15 miles away from where I live The three were in Italy last week so they’ve had a few day’s of school and work before it was found I wonder how long till it trickles over
  8. The Midnight Meat Train C+ So, we were looking for a random 'horror' movie to watch and went with this. I will start with it was terrible, made in the era when everything had to include 3D and really made little sense with the conclusion. However, it was also great fun, silly, shockingly graphic and had a stimulating (though never clever) premise. It had a 6.8 on IMDB and that feels right - better than it should be with a direction and story that would never allow it to be more. Joker A It's been said by an awful lot of people, but Phoenix's acting performance in this was outstanding. If it wasn't tired into the Batman universe, it would have been a fantastic portrayal of mental health. I found the pacing really strong and never felt any aspect drag and the whole progression felt much more natural for the formation of the 'Joker' character. That said, it will seem as a bit of leap for Arthur Fleck to go from a depressed, deeply unhappy person to the Clown Prince of Crime - but hopefully we'll get to see.
  9. I've got a lot of time for Polar Bears and then, of all things to appear on my youtube feed, the Honey Badger video popped up to remind me they're fantastic as well.
  10. Once Upon a time...in Hollywood. B+ I didn't pay attention to any reviews or impressions and like with most movies, after intending to see it in theatres, ended up not managing it. Suffice to say, I loved it. It's maybe not absolute top-tier, but I had a great time with it and the approach the movie took.
  11. It's been a very good book, though I've been horrendously busy with assignments, so I haven't touched it in a week or so. I'm flying to Edinburgh today though so I'll see if I can get some reading on the plane. I will admit though, with aforementioned assignments, I've read about 10 books in the last week - so I've still been reading. Can't wait, just need to re-write an introduction and conclusion, find some more supporting evidence and write a reference list and I'll have finished this one off. Then on to some research! This is my way of saying I won't be doing much else in the next two months except reading, writing, planning and crying.
  12. Happy birthday to a top dog.
  13. This seems like one of those games I will entirely experience through Youtube and never actually buy.
  14. I had the same thing and literally thought at the time I'd torn the tendon it was that sore (and swollen). All brought on by shoes that cost more than I normally spend, but apparently didn't agree with my foot shape.
  15. I still wouldn't buy it for the first year, but that would still be nice (although we still live in a world where dollars and pounds are interchangeable when it comes to console pricing).
  16. A little bit of me hopes they release an updated Orange Box to go with this
  17. Can we all just remember that was a study of 26 people...
  18. I suppose the only alternatives are places with night work
  19. After weeks of threatening, I actually playing Resident Evil 2 today. I did a quick recon of the controls, looked around...died when I was trapped by a Licker and Mr X, all good. I had a quick scout at a guide and now know what to do/where to go, so I'll give it a bit more of a go next week (I may go as far as to push and try and finish the first scenario)
  20. I finished Wolf Hall, I really enjoyed it but I don't know if I felt the praise that adorned the first 5 pages of the novel was as justified as they believed. Maybe it needs a second read in a few years. I've just started on In a Free State and that's been pretty decent so far.
  21. I miss the late 90's and early 2000's when Ubisoft were still a mid-tier developer and actually tried to make the occasional original game.
  22. The closest would be Messiah which has been intriguing if understandably preachy
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