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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Remove the waggle from Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 and bump all games up to at least 720p and we're talking.
  2. I thought it was quite enjoyable and it's a shame we can't at least see the next part (especially after the conclusion of Season 1).
  3. Just to boop this up a bit. So far, I've enjoyed Death Stranding and will take on the advice to power through as quickly as possible until Chapter 4. It definitely satisfied that Kojima itch. I'm also improving at CTR after changing some of the settings, although I need to get better at drifting. I'll keep plugging away at both and see how I go. UPDATE: I'm still enjoying Dead Stranding after playing about 6 hours so far. I do appreciate that it's not the perfect game but one thing that is amazing is the audio. I used my headphones whilst my wife was working at home the other day and it sounds phenomenal. Wife has decided to buy Uncharted: Lost Legacy to play through so I'll see when I can get more time in...(although I read more about games, she definitely plays the most out of the two of us).
  4. I worked in school two days last week, which was mainly child-care with a bit of teaching and now we have a two week end of term break. I've got some assignments to work through and my end of placement meeting (online) on Monday to show my experience file (stuff you collect each school placement that shows the work that you have completed) and then as we're only really allowed out once a day, I've been running/walking the dog, spending time with my wife, playing video games, playing a lot of guitar, gardening, tidying/cleaning the house and sorting things out. EDIT: I've also got to apply for a teaching position to start in September, so I also need to write an letter of application that can be adapted that isn't terrible. I also looked through one of my assignments and it's very full on so I'll start on that from Monday and make sure I write something worthwhile (I just had the results back from a previous assignment and I passed but it wasn't a good pass and it just shows me that I need to really up my game with my academic writing if I want to think about a Masters in the future).
  5. I really liked the Toy Story series, but 4 was just boring to me.
  6. babygamer.tv, born on the 12th September weighing an ample 8lbs 11oz. We've all been home for about six hours now and it’s been amazing
  7. So the UK thinks we're within a few days of having home testing kits that will be first distributed to NHS workers and Key Workers and then depending on supply will be available for people to order to test. My wife works as part of the NHS so here's hoping she can get one and then we can essentially both be tested. On that note, most likely my last day in a school tomorrow for a few weeks and then I literally have no idea what will happen.
  8. Bojack Horseman: All the series So I started watching this about two and a half weeks ago (and have run through the whole of it). I'll start with I really didn't want to like the programme in the slightest. I really didn't like the character design, the animation or the first few episodes. However, as soon as it hit it's stride...fuck me it's good. There were some parts where I feel it loses sight of the 'comedy' and goes a bit too far down a path that's neither that interesting or engaging, but so many times it decides to walk a difficult line and comes out fantastically. I will happily put this up there with other top-tier animations (Rick & Morty, South Park, The Simpson's, Archer) and look forward to revisiting this with my Wife (who due to my endless enthusiasm, refused to watch it with me). A+ stuff.
  9. So I started What Remains of Edith Finch at 6:30 this morning and finished it (after breakfast) at 10am. What a wonderful game. UPDATE: So, in order to have 'something' on the go at any time and the fact that I wanted something to play when my wife is playing Two Point Hospital (which has now taken over her life) I've started to play Final Fantasy 4 on the DS. I'm not exactly confident that I will stick with it, but it gives me a handheld option. I'll also start up a new AC:WW game to give me something that I can just play without really thinking. Console-wise, I tried Watch Dogs 2 and didn't love the tutorial so I may put that on hold and start Death Stranding. It seems like the kind of game that I can play early in the morning (about 5:30am after I've been running) and play before anyone is up in my house, rather than do extended playthroughs. I do really want to see off all the big games from 2019 at some point though (Sekiro -possibly, The Outer Worlds, The Outer Wilds, Fallen Order, Control, possibly Crash Team Racing for some co-op) along with some slightly older games (Spiderman, Tetris Effect, Celeste, Undertale, Crash 'N-sane trilogy, and Spyro)....it's just a shame they all cost money, take time and need commitment. All things I'm putting towards teacher training rather than gaming.. UPDATE 2: So, I've decided on Death Stranding and so far I'm a fan of the Kojima weirdness and unnecessary everything that's going on. .My wife also decided to buy Crash Team Racing and I've been playing that on and off (the idea being we will play against some friends of our online). I do have to say, after being pretty good at Mario Kart 7 and 8, it's a step back being shite at this.
  10. Finished RE2. I'm aware there's another ending, but by the looks of the sneak-peak it's the actual ending from the original, so I'm not overly fussed about it right now. That said, great game and if it wasn't for Mr X, would be my favourite RE game. I think I'm going to play What Remains of Edith Finch next as I've heard great things, enjoy strong stories (I was a massive fan of Everybody's Gone to the Rapture) and then we'll see...
  11. I was significantly annoyed when my friend recommended that I read the books and then found out there was no third one. Hopefully though with isolation across the world, slack authors will get finishing.
  12. Me and my wife played Boss Monster yesterday. It's a fun, quick game and not very hard to get started with. Obviously with the current climate, we're looking at more card and board games for two people so after a quick google, will pick up Pandemic and Ticket to Ride soon. Are there any good single deck strategy card games (I would love to play something like Magic, but that needs some money, time and some deck building - whereas I'm quite keen on a game that comes with all the bits from the start).
  13. My current favourite video considering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz4bh9L172U
  14. I'm working in school tomorrow and Thursdays as part of the UK Governments strategy to keep schools open for the children of 'key workers'. I'll let you know how weird it is when I get home.
  15. Continuing my RE2 updates. By the looks of things, I'm close to the end of Leon's campaign and will try and finish it off tomorrow. It's been fun getting back into playing some games after not really touching anything for a few months. Hopefully then at least I can write about something a bit more diverse. UPDATE: On the very final boss and I died a good 5 times. So I'm going for my usual tactic of leaving it for the night, trying tomorrow and expecting to do it first time. I did actually play some Metroid Prime today just to see where I was (literally outside of the room with the Ice Beam) so I may see how that goes. I'm quite tempted to have a look at the games that I have a few hours left in and use a guide and polish them off...although Dark Souls comes into that list and I don't know if I have the patience...but you never know.
  16. Apollo 11 A What a great documentary, film, remaster...piece of media. It's one of those films, now that a lot of people are self-isolating with their families should watch to gain an insight into an incredibly important (and at times, quite moving) part of human history.
  17. More RE2. I'm 2 items away from getting out of the sewer which will involve going to the very bottom...so I'm sure that will be horrific. I'm really enjoying the game, but it does seem to make design choices that extend the game/difficulty rather than increase the level of fun.
  18. We've signed up for the 7 day free trial for NOW TV so going through the movies on there. The Meg C+ Better than expected and I do love a good bit of monster movie fun. Split C+ I actually really enjoy the Shyamalan superhero universe and this was enjoyable, with an overall shit ending. Aladdin B- Some good clean Disney fun, not the best thing I've ever seen (or from Disney in general) but Will Smith was great, the casting was good and it all came together nicely (except I like my Jafar's a little bit more sleazy)
  19. I enjoy well made games, but the effort that goes into some games (looking at your RDR2) that most gamers will just bypass makes this practice seem pointless at this point.
  20. I just need the UK to scrap by until Wednesday when I'll have some research finished then I'm in the governments hands.
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