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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Playing Death Stranding has really made me want to play through Phantom Pain (well, I should say complete as I finished the first act) but I couldn't justify the time sink. I've been trying to coerce my wife into giving it a go so I can play vicariously.
  2. Have you tried the full ‘3D’ controls they added that removes tank controls. With fixed camera angles I never decided whether it was better but I was definitely better evading in the game.
  3. So, I did load up my FFVII save on my PS3. I've just made it to the top of the Shinra building (after a lot of stairs and some minor puzzling) and I might give a go at completing this. I had a PS1 (well, my Granddad did) but I never really played it, so this is my first time with the game. It'll be interesting to see how I go as it's both a 23 year old game and one where I have no nostalgia for it either. I did however just realise that I can swap around the O and X buttons, so I can use X to select things and O to run. 5 hours in and I've just found that out (and 4 years of having the game by my download date)
  4. As the title alludes to, this is a thread for you to mention the games that you bought at the same time you picked up a console at release, so naturally this thread can not be about games that you first picked up with a console, but rather one for the dedicated few that buy consoles on the first day of their release. I've only bought one console at launch and that was the Gamecube. The first game I played was Luigi's Mansion and I loved it. The look, the music, the gameplay loop were perfect at the time. It does seem convenient that it was my one and only, but in the six years I had my first gamecube, I played through the game three times and enjoyed it each and every time.
  5. Are you playing it on the Gamecube/Wii or the remastered version that was released a few years ago?
  6. So, I've just given Stadia a go. First thing, it's dumb that I have to download the Stadia app to then add games to my Library, but that was an easy hurdle to get past (after spending a few minutes wondering why I could only see screenshots and videos). I was using a PS4 controller (wired) with my Xbox 360 wired controller not being recognised when I plugged it in. I also had a quick look at streaming requirement, 10Mbps is the minimum (I'm guessing for 720p streaming) with a recommended 35Mbps for 4K/60FPS. My connection sitting in my lounge is 43.15Mbps download and 8.92Mbps upload, so sufficient for either (though I went 1080p). I should also say that outside of things like Doom 2, Deus Ex and Theme Hospital, I've never used a PC for any gaming, so my frame of reference is console gaming. I tried out Destiny 2 first and it ran...OK. The initial starting part was fine, but then as soon as I was required to do some killing, it felt like the on-screen actions were maybe 1/4 a second behind me, which obviously made the experience shit, so I clicked out. It also took me about 10 minutes (and a task manager quit) to realise the that PS button allowed me to leave a game. I tried the Serious Sam collection next and that ran better, although not as well as I'd imagine my actual, terrible laptop would run the game. I played First Encounter, killed a few enemies, killed a mini-boss and then quit. Not really for me. I gave Thumper a go and that ran well, was fun and could be something I'd return back to, although my heart tells me I need headphones for it. Finally, I tried Gylt and this ran well. I've played the main opening of the game and had a few enemy encounters, but then on arriving at an area with a burst pipe that was letting a load of steam off, the game became unplayable (it felt like it dropped down to about 2 fps). I'll dip back in to this also (unless it's killed off my save) as the overall tone was quite good (it felt almost like Alan Wake for kids, directed by Tim Burton) and it's only 6 hours, so possibly if I just get past that whole steam fiasco, it'll be smooth sailing. I've also 'claimed' GRID but I can't see that being a very fun game to run through Stadia, but we'll see. So yeah, if I was scored Stadia on my initial experience it would get a D+ at the moment.
  7. So my wife can sleep 'properly' we've swapped the sides that we sleep on. I found it difficult to sleep properly.
  8. I’ve just seen as well that Spider-Man is on PlayStation Now. More importantly I haven’t used my free trial and I can download it to play offline.
  9. I may give this a go and see as we have a decent download speed
  10. Left side with my right leg up and across my body
  11. This thread does make me think, I have Final Fantasy 7 on my PS3 an I've reached the building where you need to get to the top. Do I dip back in and see if I can finish the game off...23 years after release...
  12. I think we're in need of a few good Zelda collections (the 3DS and Wii U games on the Switch would be a start). I could also get behind a Nintendo Race Collection which has 1080 Snowboarding, F Zero GX, Wave Race and Excitebike on it. It's amazing we haven't had a full collection of Donkey Kong games in one place.
  13. I was a fan of the hallucination-based gameplay in the RE4 concept, so that 'leak' doesn't disappoint me. I do wonder how close we are though to Resident Evil needing to reboot itself because 8 mainline entries, with some kind of tangible thread between them is both a lot and quite ridiculous.
  14. Another Death Stranding update. I'm still genuinely enjoying the game, by the looks of it, about 1/3 of the way through Chapter 3. I've found that a podcast whilst playing the game is a really pleasant experience and the loop still satisfied. I also know it's a cliche of some gaming news sites, but the game is a very good counterpart to the world climate at the moment and the message behind the game is very suiting. It will remain to be seen whether I become bored, but after an hour this evening (and that only stopped because we went to walk the dog), I could easily settle in for a five hour session. That's something that hasn't really happened since I played game like GTA5 or Mass Effect 2, though I do appreciate from a gameplay perspective Death Stranding is not at that level. I think I'll need a good change of pace after this and What Remains of Edith Finch so I may try Nioh out, or pick up Spiderman. EDIT: Actually, as a question to anyone reading (and has played both), which would be the better purchase, Spiderman or Jedi: Fallen Order.
  15. Did a home workout outside on my patio and it was actually very pleasant. Not the actual exercise which was pretty horrific but I’m glad the weather has improved I’ve also decided that a I’m going to be a dad I’m about five months I want to start it off in the best possible way. So my summer aims are to be able to run a half marathon relatively comfortably, drop two inches from my waist and four from my chest and try and improve my muscular endurance and overall appearance and definition I don’t want to end up having a summer being shut in and end it being a fat dad UPDATE: Today went for a run, though I have no headphones at the moment so it was a bit boring. I also had the age old curse (well, for me) of not going to the bathroom before the run and it ruining the last half mile or so. I'm going to complete my 'easier' route and then finish off with some circuit training. I do have to say though, being at home all the time has meant that I bake/make more food, which is both lovely, but not exactly in-keeping with my goal so I'll switch over to making healthy snacks/meals and freezing them.
  16. As soon as I thought of the delays, I thought of that as well. For me, that works out well as it means I can still drag this generation out without feeling like I'm missing out.
  17. I'm going down the running/bodyweight workouts at the moment. It's good but it'll never compare to actual circuit training in a nice park, where I can run and do circuits for an hour without the feeling it's a risk.
  18. I really enjoyed playing Doom 2016 in bursts (30 minutes a day) which made the structure of the game really work for me.
  19. I've started the reading for my research assignment, so that kills at least 2 hours every day (if I'm in the flow, maybe more) and I've started to weed my garden so I can work out how to make it look nice. Since i'm not in school for at least the next two weeks, I'll treat the days I have off as small working days, so reading in the morning, then my wife also has the time off, so we'll go for a walk, come back, do some jobs (gardening, painting, fixing, sorting) and then tail off around 3pm. UPDATE: So I've checked and I've have about 21 references to help support my opening and lit review, with a few more to be added in after I read some text books. I'd say I've read about 50 books/journals since my first post and thoroughly hate the concept of formative assessment and effective questioning. UPDATE 2: Bump that number up to about 45 now. Hopefully I can start to work through the data I've collected, make some assessments on it and start to plan the write up and presentation for my work. I also played poker with some friends online last night and it was really fun.
  20. This was never a day one buy for me, but it might be fun weekend playthrough (when it's cheaper). I think before I think about RE3 though, I'd want to play through the Claire scenario of RE2 and probably play an HD version of RE4.
  21. Remove the waggle from Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 and bump all games up to at least 720p and we're talking.
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