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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. It's on at 10pm in the UK on Thursday, so I'll be starting off my Bank Holiday with it on the Friday and I really just can't wait. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I wish this season was just unleashed on Netflix in one go to facilitate a massive binge.
  2. As a thirty year old, I'm perfectly OK at most online games I put some time into. I'm not awful at Rocket League, Overwatch or the bit of CoD that I've played recently. However, it's not close to the heyday of being a 23 year old student with 30 spare hours a week, with a lot of it spent gaming (when not drunk). I'm torn between Halo Reach, which I would rack up stats around the 20-2 range through most games and Gear 3, where my KTD was around the 2.4 mark. Neither was in that upper echelon, but I'd always do well for my team. The sad part that accounted for so, so much of my time. But go on then, what game would you put down as you "well, I'm not amazing, but if I had to choose..."
  3. Watching Breaking Bad again (second time) and it's such a fantastic programme. It hits that sweet spot of always progressing the story, each episode not being an eternity and seasons never dragging on.
  4. I'm not a huge AC fan (or Ubisoft fan on reflection) but Black Flag was the best game for me, then I've not really put much time into many others, so I'll say the first Assassin's Creed game, by default, was the worst (out of AC, AC2, Black Flag and Origins)
  5. I've just started the series from the beginning as it's been a while (and I've not watched Season 3). Annoyingly, I have read...some of the books (I think 6 of them so far) but I have no clue where I've read up to (the books are spread out between my house, my parents house and my in-laws) so I might just have to settle for the series as a way of experiencing the story further.
  6. Just tidying up my posting. N64: Jet Force Gemini (rescued Vela, just learned from a guide I need to rescue every Tribal...ugh) The World is Not Enough (on Level 4) 1080 Snowboarding (completed the first Match Race) Hydro Thunder (Completed all Easy races and one medium) PS4: Horizon Zero Dawn (finished the Nora bits, completing the side quests in the second area) Crash Team Racing (beat Dragon Mines)
  7. A local brewery is allowing sale of 4 pints of more if you have a pressurised container to take it away in. I do, I shall be going, I shall drink those four pints on Saturday afternoon.
  8. Went for a run on a route that mapmyrun said was two miles but used Strava to keep pace Turns out its 3.4 miles which is nice and makes me look forward to checking what I think is a longer route that I run a lot
  9. I've been having a look at the Kindle Prime Reading books, which has been a mixed bag, but I'm reading a book about Pablo Escobar (after it being referenced in Breaking bad) and a book called The Cows, which so far has been some light comedy. I just finished Philosopher's Stone the other day and will read the Chamber of Secrets soon.
  10. I'm a peasant and only drink tap water, unless I'm buying lunch/dinner, when if I fancy the water option, I'll have San Pellegrino because I really like fizzy water.
  11. I'm going to assume that school's aren't going to open again in the UK until September, so I've applied to about 5 different places near me to sort out a job until then, as well as contacting several schools that are advertising for September to discuss the positions further. Honestly, if I can get a job right now, I would feel so much better about everything as I can throw it into my savings, work OT in a safe environment and bring home some bacon. I've really enjoyed completing a post-grad, but going from earning money to...not and knowing that I only have a finite loan that will run out is pretty unnerving.
  12. Now there's a programme I both love and hope they never reboot.
  13. I wonder if it was due to Rise of the Tomb Raider being a Microsoft exclusive (at a time when no one was feeling the Xbox One) and then this release just didn't find it's market/people had lost interest in the IP. Playing about two hours of Assassin's Creed: Origins and I honestly couldn't tell you if I like it or not. I like the setting, the story is good, combat will do...but then there's the the endless ? that pop up every where and it seems a little bit..full? I'm also interested in Spiderman, which I know has those issues, but is also a setting and character I love, which means I can be more forgiving. Either way, I feel like i'll finish the game, but spend most of my time with it listening to a podcast at the same time.
  14. I tired, but I think I've decided that From Software games just aren't for me. I love the idea, but the reality of having to replay and really learn a game goes against my idea of a fun time (although I have to say, when you get past a part, you do feel amazing) and so I've started up Assassin's Creed: Origins, which has a similar combat system which is nice. I mentioned in another thread about REmake and I've since downloaded that, so I think on Sunday, I might fire it up, have a go and see how terrible I am at dodging/item management.
  15. Do you have a link for the stream at all? After finished RE2make recently, I'm tempted to have a crack at REmake as I've never finished it, but the half of the game that I've played before, I've enjoyed (to a degree).
  16. I vaguely hope that Microsoft are allowed to put Game Pass on Sony and Nintendo consoles, maybe even through streaming if needs be.
  17. This thread made me have a look at console sales numbers, just to see how things are progressing. It seems that the Switch has now overtaken the Xbox One (by about 5 million units) but the PS4 is still well out in front, with more than 106 million units shifted. Considering though the Switch has been out for half the time, that's pretty crazy.
  18. You'd say it was a planned move, but this is Nintendo we're talking about... Either way, great update and I wonder if this will pretty much spell the end of 2D Nintendo created Mario games (outside of releasing worlds themselves...)
  19. That genuinely helped for about half the fight and then my saw cleaver became damaged and became useless I've fixed and powered up now though so I'll give it another go tomorrow!
  20. I'll definitely be watching this, thank you! I've been massively into these in-depth video game documentaries that have been coming out lately, War Stories being a massive favourite.
  21. I'm going to give the Cleric Beast another go later on today. I'm not terrible at fighting the generic beasts and enemies in Bloodborne, but I'm just shocking at reading bosses in the game.
  22. Me and my wife felt like a nice 'feel good' movie so we re-watched The Great Seduction. It itches a very particular type of scratch.
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