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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Just wait until the case goes back to SCOTUS now. Be prepared for "no homos" signs.
  2. Playing no true Scotsman on the term "free market" doesn't seem like a winner to me. Especially when the prevailing definition of free market is what we have now, and it's a fucking wreck. You'd be fighting an uphill battle from the start. Stealing@Jason but And sorry but most third way Democrats are shit. Incremental change is fine, but things are getting to the point in the cost of healthcare, housing, education, the climate and more than incremental change just isn't going to cut it. I don't want a government full of DSA members but we need more of them that's for damn sure. Like our own version of the Canadian NDP
  3. 90+% of DSA members are talking more along the lines of the Nordic model, greater help for the poor, Medicare for all, and much more highly subsidized higher education. Don't be a pedant
  4. Dunno about abolish ICE, but when people complain about Obamacare, deductables and out of pocket expenses are the first thing they talk about. Focus on Medicare out of pocket expenses and compare that to what you deal with with your health insurance through work or the exchanges. And keep talking about that.
  5. This country needs a bit more socialism tbh massdriver is wildly out of touch with this country
  6. Probably. The ultimate end game of what we currently have for laws (not norms--those are toast) is a supreme Court whose undefined number of members serve for life, and are virtually unaccountable because Congress continues to abdicate it's authority under the Constitution. It's the last refuge of the current Republican party as it is currently structured, as the only real things they can agree on besides triggering libs is appointing someone else to make decisions (judicial nominees) and Trump is good. That's about it really. So I'm actually surprised it hasn't been tried already. The only pushback Trump has gotten has been for ripping families apart. Stacking the court with 45 year old conservative justices would go over smoothly with just about all of those people, and they will have two years after the midterms to change the subject again. Ideally it would stop with a constitutional amendment spelling out the nomination process in more detail (requiring an up or down vote on presidential nominees within 120 days of nomination, a bit more detail on qualifications, and maybe some other things like a 2/3 affirmative vote to confirm judges and an upper age limit to be on the bench) and also amendments making the legislature more effective, responsive, and representative (significantly more reps and roughly doubling or more the number of senators, no fillibuster, and taking some presidential authority and placing it with Congressional committees) so that the presidency and judiciary isn't as important to make policy decisions, where that should be the job of the legislature.
  7. Same for the free market types. As an example: "People will pay for products from companies that don't pollute, so pollution limits are not needed!" "No they won't, as most times companies that do heavy polluting are in another country, or are obfuscated from consumer eyes because there is so much information and disinformation, and what constitutes a harmful amount of pollution is a technical question that requires expertise, an individual consumer cannot determine what is and is not a non polluting company" "..."
  8. Not just the times and post though https://mobile.twitter.com/NancyPelosi/status/1011264189850161152
  9. Employers just can't lie. HR departments are loathe is give out details for fear of a lawsuit, the natural predator of HR departments. That's why most just verify dates of employment and title. They could also ask if that person is eligible for rehire. If no, then the new potential employer could surmise that the applicant isn't a good fit for hire.
  10. Stare into the vast nothingness of space and contemplate existence
  11. Sounds like there's a good business opportunity to help small businesses remain compliant with all state and local sales tax requirements. Does this apply to local sales taxes as well? Or just the state of the address being shipped to? Or the credit card address state?
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