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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Hard to name anyone else with such strong judicial credentials? Merrick Garland maybe?
  2. No surprise, there's where the blame will go when this deal-like all other deals with the north koreans-goes south
  3. I'm a big fan of this. People in Washington should not be insulated from their actions, as this system of government is broken. As long as there is no violence, I couldn't give a shit if this happens to whomever.
  4. "Stand down darkie, a white is here to enforce the law as I imagine it"
  5. Lol dropping the corporate rate 1 percentage point makes the list?
  6. Where's my clapping emoji where I can say "primaries aren't the same thing as the general election"?
  7. Collins: Won't support SCOTUS pick hostile to abortion rights https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/01/politics/susan-collins-supreme-court/index.html
  8. The Commonwealth and Texass doe. It's sucks when it's hot and muggy to do much in the Southeast. Where it is a dry heat or west you have higher numbers of activity
  9. I think most of us here are well aware. Not sure if the Chuck Schumer's of the world get it yet though.
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