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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. They are really good. A friend of mine is a data scientist at capital one in the fraud division. They have to be quick because otherwise fraudsters can max out/empty your account in minutes flat if they don't. Really interesting to talk to him about it.
  2. That obviously depends on your bank. I would expect Wells Fargo or Bank of America to fuck you over in a heartbeat or be slow about helping, but a credit Union may be more responsive. Ymmv
  3. Credit card skimmers having a direct line to your bank account and your money (not the cc issuers money) if you use a debit card
  4. So he's gonna ratchet up tensions with the whole continent (somehow) then take credit for deescalating the situation he created?
  5. There's a reason why I never went to a strip club, even for bachelor parties, when I lived in Ohio. Even Michigan was a better choice for such activities.
  6. That's a whole lot of undecideds. Anyone who is undecided (or for) Ted Cruz deserves the
  7. If lead is so heavy how does it not just sink in the water huh???? The so called Flint water crisis is a false flag
  8. Probably not. I'm not a fan of any sort of corporate personhood. If you have something political to say, you shouldn't hide behind an army of anonymous donors. For this purpose, I consider political speech a wholly separate idea than commercial speech.
  9. For one, money isn't speech and corporations don't have a right to free speech
  10. The pool of moderates far, far exceeds the pool of liberals in North Dakota. What you are saying is generally true,but North Dakota is not a friendly location for Democrats. In this case, she got 31k more votes than Obama did in 2012 when they were both on the ballot (she won, he did not). The 2016 Senate race had the Republican win 78% of the vote where Trump only got 63% while winning in his 4th best state performance. So she has to get some Trump voters to vote for her, or she will lose. There just isn't enough Democratic support to win the turnout game here.
  11. I don't think she (or others) vote yes no matter what. I think they will follow the lead of Collins, so they can say there is bipartisan concern about his appointment to the court, and the balance of the court. They won't vote no unless there is some bipartisan cover. That is unless they are anti abortion Dems in which case
  12. It's to burnish her 'moderate' reputation, not to avoid the ire of Trump. She hopes that she can peel off the ~60k voters who voted for Trump in 16 that voted for her in '12. If the Republicans can get the votes without her, there is literally 0 harm in her voting to confirm. So it kinda comes down to Collins and murkowski again
  13. Pretty easy when you realize he has more wealth than almost everyone will get in their lifetime, yet he is hell-bent on making sure his employees can't join a union to improve their wages, working conditions, and other workplace issues (of which there are many documented cases). Him being a Tony Stark wannabe doesn't factor into the equation.
  14. In reality though, folks like kavanaugh would no doubt give them a "good faith" exception to things like CP and copyright infringement so they really wouldn't be responsible if they 'try' to get rid of such things.
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