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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. And most politicos are so convinced that they have secure, cushy jobs where they can be a demagogue and cruise to re-election, and there are so few legislative positions, so there is no perceived negatives to destroy these norms. I can only imagine it getting worse should Republicans retain the house or Senate, or both!
  2. I am not a lawyer, but a cursory glace of Wikipedia makes me confident enough to sound like one on the internet.
  3. Remember, Democrats (who hold no position of power in Washington or even most states) are the real racists who you need to watch out for. Did you know Lincoln was a Republican? And that more Democrats voted against the civil Rights act of 1964 (that our conservative supreme Court gutted)? Don't forget kkk member senator Robert Byrd, a mentor to Hillary Clintoon. Checkmate, cucks
  4. Yes. I doubt it is done, but when accepting a pardon, you accept guilt and are no longer protected by the 5th amendment, which is important for civil cases.
  5. Surely then he would be all for a massive increase of investigations into the financial lives of all congress critters, lobbyists, other national political leaders, and Wall Street. I'd be down for that.
  6. Based on what I've read from court, he'd willingly, insistingly let them have his wife
  7. How long until sitting members of Congress (read: Democrats) on intelligence committees or in leadership positions get their clearance revoked? That's the next step logically, but probably won't happen until/if Dems win a chamber of Congress. Or another president will do it, now that Pandora's box is open
  8. It's almost like this country was designed to be the most undemocratic democratic system that was set up for and by wealthy white landowning men
  9. The only legislation that matters is on appointments that require Senate confirmation. There will not be any socially liberal legislation that stands a chance of passing. So he's basically a Republican.
  10. Would he be caucusing with the enabling gop Senate, or have a few stones and stand against the president? My guess is he would Jeff flake it up.
  11. Looks like the bad guy of Watergate was John Dean. Not quite how I remember that particular part of history
  12. Time to appropriate this thread for a white mans use http://thesource.com/2018/08/17/is-he-telling-the-truth-white-man-yells-youre-treating-me-like-a-black-person/
  13. Both sides, many sides. Mobile, I can't edit out the tweet. Here's what I meant to put https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/inside-jason-kesslers-hate-fueled-rise/2018/08/11/335eaf42-999e-11e8-b60b-1c897f17e185_story.html?utm_term=.54b8e2e86fbfhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/local/inside-jason-kesslers-hate-fueled-rise/2018/08/11/335eaf42-999e-11e8-b60b-1c897f17e185_story.html?utm_term=.54b8e2e86fbf
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