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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. He voted against ACA repeal when it mattered (though throwing hundreds of thousands of people off Medicaid would have been lulsy to explain how that's the Democrats fault, but they'd sure give it a go)
  2. This is what bothers me about punishments in college sports. Ohio State suspending Urban Meyer for violating some part of his contract has absolutely nothing to do with the NCAA violations at UNC. The issue at OSU is beyond what the NCAA can do (the NCAA couldn't even effectively sanction Penn State for the Sandusky stuff) so shouldn't be compared. What Urban actually did merits firing, but what the narrative says (he knew, reported it, and monitored Smith while trying to "reform" him or whatever) merits a suspension (again, had that been what actually happened) and would be similar to breaking NCAA rules imo Comparing NCAA punishment for given offences from school to school is reasonable, and THAT shows what is fucked up with the NCAA administration and punishment.
  3. He wasn't impeached. He quit when he was on top of his game. Trump_pointing_to_head.jpg
  4. 10 years ago he was a nobody, and would be fine paying off mistresses for a "billionaire" but now he's got dirt on the president, and you don't want to go down on that ship, historically speaking
  5. How many did Obama lose huh? The fake news media won't tell you about that!
  6. Somehow, without having ever stepped foot in a law school classroom, I feel far more qualified than any of these goons.
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