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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. If you think that Republican politicians will support Medicare for all, or l have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
  2. Basically all of them since Nixon were pretty shitty in their own unique shit way Edit no, Johnson Wait, Kennedy Ok, ok, Eisenhower. Truman wasn't that special either. Fdr was a cripple.
  3. In a world where Medicare for all is reality (read: higher taxes by necessity) what people also need is """reasonable""" cost controls on necessary medications and medical treatment, which people can clearly afford.
  4. "I'm ok with Republicans keeping the house if perfect saints dont get elected to districts I don't live in"
  5. Her opponent is Dave brat so no surprise his Allies would get this sort of info
  6. The seeds for this are already being sewn. "The only collusion is between crooked h and Russia and [other named non sequiturs]"
  7. I'd wager a solid majority of Republicans would be a ok with using Justice/the FBI to arbitrarily investigate Trump's enemies and lock them up. Real "what-they-actually-mean-by-drain-the-swamp" type of stuff
  8. A fairness doctrine for internet search engine results. Hilarious given the pushback if something similar we're proposed for AM radio, for example.
  9. Don't worry I'm sure the solution will be found with the policy wonks in the Trump administration
  10. Also, Latin America likely gets their guns from Americans who have cheap and easy access to guns, or as an effect of the drug trade or corruption
  11. It really should not be legal for any elected official to have a job other than what they were elected for, for their term of office.
  12. My shot in the dark guess is that 30% of the issues with this administration is completely unforced errors. The rest is incompetence (often leading to unforced errors), corruption, greed, and "we thought we could get away with it"
  13. I've been preaching this for years. I fully agree. The Senate needs reduced powers, and more given to the house. Same for the president vis a vi the house. That said, until you can change the system, game the system.
  14. Given the disproportionate strength smaller States have in our presidential election process, there is zero reason to not give them a disproportionate influence in electing the presidential candidate. Until our system changes, you need to work the system and not just wish for an ideal.
  15. What it boils down to is McCain, unlike (seemingly) most politicians, wasn't an asshole to most people in Washington, and kept that up for a long time. And he had something of a sense of humor for the public to see, unlike most politians. And surprise, surprise, a republican holds abhorrent views on most things, openly has many somewhat (or not so somewhat) racist views, and generally supported militarism. But guess what? In Arizona in this time period that McCain was senator, if it wasn't going to be him, it would most certainly be someone like him, but maybe a bit more of an asshole like Inhofe or Tom Cotton, or the KKKeibler. So it could really be worse (this goes without saying, but needs reminding) He doesn't deserve the praise he's getting, nor the derision.
  16. I don't give a shit about the continued digs at Bernie, but this is interesting perspective
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