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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. https://twitter.com/JerryDunleavy/status/1035298451280592902?s=19
  2. At least we're not even trying to be a "neutral party" and going full steam into crazy ass Zionism
  3. Once I finish some hardcore history I'll be able to get back into this. Loved the first season
  4. It will make me physically ill if I have to defend Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for being unceremoniously thrown out of government
  5. Biographer: Mike Pence Believes God Wants Him to Be President No God could possibly want this jar of mayonnaise to be president.
  6. I don't even have my daughter on our rental lease, and I'm renting through a large corporation, not Joe's house down the street. Not to mention things get lost over that time period, fires, divorces, things stolen, etc. Just fuck everything about these racist pieces of shit.
  7. Yeah they are doing this on purpose. "Do you remember when you were born?" "No, beca..." "No further questions, they're clearly an illegal"
  8. Like anyone would pay attention in any of those classes. We have an education problem in this country and no amount of schooling can fix that.
  9. Fwiw, the gap has closed somewhat (by about 30k) to 1.6M R / 1.5M D I think Florida is going to become more and more conservative as white boomers from the Midwest go to retire there due to the lack of income tax and no snow. I don't think that democratic or associated minority voting turnout or population in GA, AZ, TX, and NC are there yet to counter the conservative growth in FL and some other Midwestern states like OH and WI. I do agree though. There may be a decent amount of population growth/change but it isn't reflected in the census until after the 2020 election.
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