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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Grassley may have decided any documents with that information is committee confidential
  2. A volunteer named "Patsy"?!? If that doesn't scream Cruz trying to be funny nothing does
  3. The two other scenarios I've heard are one: this is an attempt to stamp down on this type of dissent/"disloyalty" within the white house. The other possibility is that the person is Jeff Flake-ian in their level of stupidity, trying to bolster the never trumpers morale or something. But like Jeff flake, this person is a moron and didn't know what they were doing and the real ramifications of their actions here. If the author is anyone other than pence (or related pence people) or kudlow, this is less likely due to the wording choices.
  4. Is any of this a one time deal to get goods across boarders before tariffs take effect?
  5. Here it is. Long but good https://m.facebook.com/senatoralfranken/posts/1830068093745731
  6. Franken had an excellent line of questioning he posted on his Facebook page on how he would approach his confirmation. Start by asking about the statement he made when he accepted the nomination for SCOTUS, specifically about how he claimed Trump searched better than any other president for a dcotus pick. I'll see if I can find it.
  7. @legend isn't there some sort of machine learning thing that can give an estimate of who wrote this trash based on previous writings? I mean, not that anyone in this administration is particularly well written, but would it be possible?
  8. If we're going to start nationalizing companies, start with insurance companies.
  9. Arizona governor to tap former senator Jon Kyl to replace the late senator John McCain, according to McCain’s widow https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/09/04/arizona-governor-to-tap-former-senator-jon-kyl-to-replace-the-late-senator-john-mccain-according-to-mccains-widow/
  10. I'd be shocked if they weren't getting killer land deals for fulfillment centers
  11. He shouldn't be confirmed until/unless his role in the Bush administration is fully known. For all we know he could have been a strong advocate for torture, out something like that. People have the right to know. And SCOTUS it's so important because it's basically the final say in our system of government, and isn't hobbled in a major way for legal reasons (the executive), procedural reasons (legislative), or by design (our system of government is not made to actually be of, by, and for the people; also, separation of powers is a clearly broken system when compared to a parliamentary system)
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