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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Having a hard time understanding how to read that guy. Care to elaborate? Also, south Carolina has declared a state of emergency.
  2. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/just-about-everyone-in-florida-has-already-decided-who-to-vote-for/ Indiana, Tennessee, and Missouri are all up in the air still. FL also is very tight. Turnout is going to be hugely important across the board
  3. Which requires Dems winning the Senate and the Rs getting absolutely blown out in the house. Otherwise they'll think that if they hunker down and rally around Trump they'll be fine.
  4. I know, just posted that as a reference that this many US territories and States (in both oceans) are at very really risk within the next week or so. This also happened to be the only non-Maria thread about hurricanes on the board
  5. Read this on Reddit, and it summarized why my first post in here was so glib
  6. Thanks. Have an old friend in Myrtle Beach, and I have family in Columbia SC, all from Ohio, and I don't trust my family members to look far enough ahead to start preparing
  7. Easy to say when you're not violently hitting refresh at midnight to get the latest Euro and gfa runs to see how many nonperishable foodstuffs you need to get tomorrow to beat the rush
  8. It feeds his paranoia that a deep state mole is collaborating with the liberal media (enemy of the people remember) to try to discredit him
  9. Fake news Nyt collaborating with a traitorous coward leaker. What nyt puts out is assumed to be bullshit, the real issue is the leak, not the bullshit content. From the Trump perspective.
  10. Why did they quit? If they really wanted to bring attention to things they'd pen an anonymous op Ed in the nyt
  11. Even Nixon's people found jobs after government. Mind you, most of them were competent but still. Even Ws people are getting a rehabbed image in the wake of trump (and time)
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