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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Iirc she said this may cut both ways as Western ND oil workers this would affect as well
  2. Graham would need to be confirmed even to run doj in an acting fashion
  3. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5bbcee58e4b01470d055fe56 Tldr: Liked a photoshopped image of the Obama's starting longingly at a banana. Also commented conspiracy nut shit. Pretty par for the course in this administration though.
  4. So what kind of crazy pants retard will Bolton try to put on Trump now?
  5. You'd be stupid to not worry about hidden motivations when people start talking about how one undefined "culture" is better than another. Failing to describe what "the west" is allows you to make any number of positivr assumptions or negative strawmen about it. "The culture" of "the west" also then can't be removed from the generational wealth of "the west" which can in large part be attributed to the subjugation, enslavement, and genocide of native people's all over the world (how's that for "Western culture" eh?) I don't really have the time to discuss other points right now
  6. Republicans are becoming real poor winners, when democracy generally requires some degree of humility or Grace is winning.
  7. I'd separate the us from other western countries first of all. And also grouping the "west" together is just stupid anyway once you start getting into the country by country differences, or what defines the west? Is it Christendom? Or white people? Or what? What *is* the west? What constitutes "Western culture"? Or is it just an ideal? And of course they're better off here. Just because we're better than some third world shit hole doesn't mean we're great. In all honesty I don't care about other countries when we have enough problems here. Comparing us to obviously awful countries minimizes the suffering and Injustice that resides here. (Side note: given the history of colonialism across the world, a great deal many problems have roots in our ancestors) It reminds me of down playing poverty by saying people in sub Saharan Africa have it worse. Similarly, an Amazon warehouse worker in the US is in a better position than the Sri Lankan slave laborer in Qatar, but that doesn't make things any better for the guy in the wearhouse when they live in the US. It's worse elsewhere is so dismissive (and thus generally dismissive of the problems of black and brown workers) to the point of insulting.
  8. You're right. Western culture is superior because we no longer have de jure second class citizens they're merely de facto second class and only mostly based on the color of their skin. And women are equal to men, so long as you don't talk about pay (even controlling for factors such as industry and degree) or expectations in child rearing or home life. There are many other examples but I don't have the time for them. Being a non wasp male is better here then there, but let's not pretend the way things actually are here are worth trumpeting. Our ideals are great, I'll give us that. We do talk a big game.
  9. Jfc, why would I leave a white supremacist society while being white? You silly.
  10. I never said that. And to pretend that Western culture, as defined here in the US, is better than most others is just lol. If you ignore the negatives then yeah Western culture is great.
  11. I don't get what the point of these are. Yeah your precious little one respects women, good for you. I know women who won't go on solo first few dates because they're afraid of being raped. And are afraid to go running at night for the same reason. But yes, the problem is false rape accusations (a common refrain but with little evidence when compared to actual rapes)
  12. Claim to be unapologetically pro "Western culture" which is a roundabout way to say white people. And since culture is very much tied to race and ethnicity so again, distinction without difference. They thought it worth associating with Nazis at Charlottesville as well. And they encourage their members to not masturbate so they're motivated to meet women. Cause that's their problem.
  13. It's not like he's the one who figured this out either. He just said to lawyers do whatever you can to get me the most money.
  14. Too much is going to change in a week for kav to make a difference in a month.
  15. Western chauvinist is what them proud boys call themselves. So it's a distinction without a difference
  16. I take some of this back. Once the pH of the ocean becomes sufficiently low to kill off most algae and other simple organisms that produce most of our oxygen, no human will survive.
  17. Looks like Florida won't be missing out on the "fun" this year Michael strengthens to a hurricane and is forecast to make landfall in Florida as a ‘dangerous’ Category 3 midweek https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2018/10/08/michael-strengthens-hurricane-is-forecast-make-landfall-florida-dangerous-category-midweek/
  18. Any enthusiasm Republicans feel from fighting to support kav will be gone once the first holiday themed coffee cup that doesn't have merry Christmas on it. And also the kav stuff will be forgotten by the right in two weeks when Trump orders a Roundup of puppies for slaughter. The news moves waaaaaay too fast these days for an issue a month away from an election to hold much sway, at least if *that's* the issue that gets you energized.
  19. Conservative bitching about "PC culture run amok" or something like that is them just being pissy that they can't say the n word even in a rap song, or something similar. They can't be assholes to people because of who they are (rather than what they have or are doing/done) and that upsets them.
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