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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Hasn't local government debt been a big, known problem for a while now? Is it just the now know scale of the problem that's coming to light?
  2. That can work in business, but to congress persons who have an agenda and want to get on the news (even doubly so now that the field would be more crowded) this would give the chairperson more power than they already have. Given the makeup of the house that should be fine. They'd probably want to be present though if for nothing more than appearances.
  3. They just need to show up for voting. speeches on the house floor are already regulated to keep the flow of business going. The only real issue is committees and their chambers. But expanding a couple dozen rooms (or moving them into adjacent buildings) is not that big a deal, and congressional office buildings would need to be built to accommodate the extra Congress critters and staff.
  4. You people seem to be under the impression that this will make any difference to the fake news crowd
  5. Yep. And youth turnout (based on polls!!!!) Suggests that it may be very much unusually high for a midterm year
  6. So what do we do when hundreds of thousands or millions start showing up in a few decades (or sooner!) as climate refugees?
  7. Also High youth turnout is usually great for the Dems, but Texas is fucky so who knows
  8. So even just including the Texan contributions, that's at least 19 million from Texas. Hope that can turn into votes
  9. It's not clear that the pac is not "not affiliated" with Beto and is creepy porn lawyer's pac to do more than just support Beto
  10. People may laugh, but she probably has far more credibility than any other person for people under 25
  11. You can get hours of first class advertising in ND for literally $3.50
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