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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. So why does turkey care so much? I mean, they're not above jailing journalists, so is it a regional balance of power type thing?
  2. The loss of Luke fickell is really, really starting to show. Our defense is a joke. If Patterson has a good day, Michigan may win this year.
  3. That turbulence can in large part be traced to climate change. Yayy
  4. Manchin had his race wrapped up. Endorsed by Nick saban. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2018/10/18/17989928/nick-saban-joe-manchin-endorsement Also Nick saban is totally going to run for governor of Alabama at some point.
  5. He's massively, massively popular with his (read: their) base of voters so if they turn on Trump, the voters will turn on them. This is what is keeping (some of) these people in line. The Jeff flakes of the world, while unencumbered by electoral politics in the near future are just being cucked.
  6. Someone like him is perfect for a VP spot. Not him though. Whomever gets the nom should make full use of him either way as a full blow attack dog, and take some notes.
  7. I think we still need some more women as governor's to get people used to the idea of a leader who is unapologetically a woman, and god forbid a feminist.
  8. I think on election day I'll be working from home so I'll go in the middle of the day when lines *should* be shortest. VA, early voting lol.
  9. Translation: "Gut social security and Medicare for people under 50" which does approximately 0 for the biggest immediate issue which is Boomer retirement.
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