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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. A colony of cucks. A nest of Nazis. A gaggle of grifters. A pandemonium of proud boys. A Sounder of shitheads. A litter of liars. A shrewdness of the shrewd-less. A business of blow hards. They're a group of dumb, racist animals.
  2. That's a conspiracy I can get behind. Soros funded the voting machines do we need to do paper
  3. They should settle this fued with jello wrestling. They're not serious intellectuals, they're entertainers, so it is fine
  4. I mean we have the easiest system by which to vote: we vote on a Tuesday, employers are on board with giving time off to vote(doesn't need to be paid, the great majority of people don't live paycheck to paycheck and their health insurance isn't tied to employment), lines are short to non-existent in convenient locations, and there no deliberate voter suppression.
  5. So what percent of the vote is Kaine gonna get? I hope he breaks 70% (55% more realistically)
  6. What he means is he thinks they will protect them better from dumb shit like the carvan, not from preditory health insurance companies.
  7. What happens to people of countries that are in the us illegally, but the home country of their parents does not give citizenship based on the citizenship of the parents? Are these newborn children stateless?
  8. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/31/515.329 You're in the US, you're subject to US jurisdiction. Otherwise US laws don't apply to you in the US, which is fucking stupid. If you're not subject to US jurisdiction, you can't be tried in US courts.
  9. Indian lands are supposedly sovereign nations. Big difference. The 14th amendment is quite clear, if born in the US and subject to the jurisdiction there of, you're a citizen. How can someone born in the US not be subject to the jurisdiction of the US?
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