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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. No on both. I am not a big fan of special tax breaks for one, and on the property improvement over, fuck those guys. Wealthy enough to make flood improvements to your house, and you want a tax break for it? Get outta here
  2. Young people want authenticity, not wishy washy bullshit or politico-like answers.
  3. I'm getting hammered if Cruz loses. The rest of the night can be a dumpster fire, just let this man fucking lose.
  4. Yeah. National vote share was very close to the polling amount, and Trump won razor thin margins in PA, MI, and WI giving him the presidency. We may see the same thing here, with Dems getting the combined vote total for the house easily, but losing a bunch of house districts by a razor thin margin costing them control of the chamber. And about a 15% chance of just that scenario too. There's also about the same % chance that Dems over perform (under counting/polling more marginal/less likely to vote groups) and even take the Senate, though I think this is a more remote chance.
  5. Dems only losing one Senate seat, gaining 10 Governor's, and ~50 house seats is about as optimistic/realistic as can be, considering about half of the Dem caucus is up this year in the Senate. The fact that IN/MO/and ND are all just lean R is very optimistic too. May still be able to get something there with good turnout.
  6. Do you not understand how probability works? The polls are fine, they were fine in 2016, reporting on the polls is shit as is most other reporting in this country.
  7. So where exactly could this even go? They'd have to tear down some buildings somewhere, and Potomac yards is too far away and that's about it as far as close vacant areas go. There's a wamta bus depot close to Crystal City but those operations would have to go somewhere too. I wonder how much the Commonwealth put up for this
  8. To him, the number of users (read: $$$$) is more important than any social good.
  9. As someone in the discord mentioned the other day, libertarianism is to fascism as social democracy is to socialism. I think it was @run32.dll
  10. Dems would not even take the house Imo. Also imagine if we could have defect spent for a few years prior to 2011 like we are now.
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