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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. My old boss would tell us a story about his dad who worked as an engineer in a manufacturing plant in Iowa back in the 70's. His dad would work brutal 12-14 hours days 6 days a week. He'd get home, crack open a beer and mutter to himself "those dumb Iowa retards" Seems apt now
  2. But are any of those NY Dems gonna caucus with the Republicans to give them a chamber?
  3. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1060022696703070208?s=19 Lol look at this retard
  4. Dems need to start talking constitutional reforms, not bullshit like burning flags, abortions, or guns. I'm talking judges and how Congress functions.
  5. We're kinda sorta at a bunch of low level conflicts but the point remains.
  6. I agree with you 100% when it comes to guns re: Dems. Look at 2006 and Dems were very will positioned in rural States and districts. Not so much the case now.
  7. A bunch of black and Hispanic 10, 11, 12 year olds were crying at my wife's school.
  8. We refuse to spank. It's so much easier to control my little one by picking her up, asking her to "calm her body" and then try to explain what is wrong. Between that and limiting tv/screen time, she's great for two years old. I know it will be different when she's older but the point remains.
  9. https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1059845400373280769?s=19 Probably breakdown
  10. At my voting location, one of three voting machines* was down causing a minor hiccup in submitting paper ballots. Nothing major luckily *Glorified Scantron machine that counts votes before putting them in a glorified trash can.
  11. When the second constitutional amendment only has two no votes at least we'll know who it was. I went at a slightly later time today than I have in the past, but still pretty good turnout.
  12. I don't know why I always get Long island confused with Staten island.
  13. That one is tough, but I just know it's going to pass, so I don't feel too bad about it
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