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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Hey, I can relate to this too! If my first job out of college wasn't in a super, super shitty low cost area, I wouldn't have been able to get enough money for the first month rent and deposit in the form of an $800 loan from my parents. There may be (maybe!) a handful of elected officials in general who can relate to this, or similar issues that she's faced and been honest about.
  2. Also, the house can do virtually nothing about trade. That all goes through the Senate. Also, as far as investigations go:
  3. In the meantime, there will be no senator from AZ. Probably the same in Florida. Similar to when Al Franken was first elected.
  4. Free trade though? Some of the more liberal wishes are far, far, far, far more realistic
  5. Some of these things require a real "read the room dude"
  6. In addition to much of the above (no use in repeating), but marijuana legalization bill. Coupled with civil Rights act of (current year) plus criminal justice reform.
  7. Deep state mail carriers keeping my check from me. Saw my maga hat/trump bumper sticker and followed deep state protocol
  8. Don't let insurance companies know this, you better believe that you're getting the rated age of a 70 year old smoker for a premium
  9. You mean you don't want it like the tax bill where they're making changes to it minutes before voting on it?
  10. We interrupt this rehash of the 2016 democratic presidential primary to bring you the 2018 midterm elections. And we're back.
  11. They will vote to confirm judges and executive branch people. And turtle won't let the government shut down or default because of his doing (within reason). Other than that, nothing.
  12. No, there simply won't be a Senate vote. Turtle takes the heat to protect incumbents in 2020 while simultaneously denying on the record votes for relatively popular progressive things
  13. Senators will never have to take a difficult vote in the next two years in any progressive legislation from the house
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