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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. So is this because of a fuel tax increase? Or is that just the pretext?
  2. We're gonna have a fucking ten way tie and dipshit leftists and/or centrists won't get on board with whomever wins and Trump's gonna get four more years
  3. Three things: 1) lol Michigan is 0-4 against OSU. Also, I'd rather be in the Rose bowl than lose--badly-- to bama (we'd only get in if OU lost) 2) Bama/Clempson 3 calling it now for the Natty 3) Murray/Tua/Haskins in that order for Heisman voting. Book it.
  4. The Democrat just need to be someone who can get the Democratic vote out. Which means they need to be goodish looking and have charisma. Male or female. Maybe Latino or black, but a white person with a good record on civil rights will work. Can't really take corporate money tbh. I think a lot of people are underestimating how many people were not going to vote for the insiders insider Hillary, and fully overestimating Trump's support (current and past) in the rust belt especially (he won MI, WI, and PA by a combined ~90k votes) and discounting how well Democrats did a month ago. Spend more time getting Democrats elected in the house and (more importantly) the Senate otherwise this quibbling over the presidency is goddamn useless. I'd fully put IA, NC, GA, FL, and OH as light red as well based on that image above.
  5. They don't need to be under 45, but it would be nice if they could be called on for two full terms without the question of "will they live that long?" Coming up and being a somewhat serious question. Also, it's time for a new generation of leadership in style and substance. Even Obama was something of the old guard, especially on substance.
  6. So something good has come of his death: the national day of mourning on the 5th means I get a paid day off work "so all of our employees have the opportunity to observe this unifying day for our country." (Yet election day doesn't give us the same time off...)
  7. New Mexico is beautiful. I also nearly had my marriage license in Ohio (where my wife and I got married) not issued because the clerk didn't understand that where I lived in Virginia (Richmond city) was not part of a county.
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