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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. So something good has come of his death: the national day of mourning on the 5th means I get a paid day off work "so all of our employees have the opportunity to observe this unifying day for our country." (Yet election day doesn't give us the same time off...)
  2. New Mexico is beautiful. I also nearly had my marriage license in Ohio (where my wife and I got married) not issued because the clerk didn't understand that where I lived in Virginia (Richmond city) was not part of a county.
  3. Iirc, they're the only political party on the planet that doesn't so much as acknowledge that anthropogenic climate change is real and the vast majority of current climate change is due to it. Nevermind actually doing anything about it.
  4. Approximately 35-40k people die in car accidents in the US. Last year it was about 37k. On a per VMT rate, it's a pretty flat rate over the past decade. 70k died of drug overdose last year alone, up from 63k in 2016 which in turn is up from 52k in 2015. Drug OD deaths have more than tripled since 1999 and mostly due to opioids
  5. Universities want that out of state tuition though. Properly funding higher education (and not continually adding unfunded mandates) would help in this regard but lol at that happening.
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