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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. On most issues, she's fairly progressive. The thing people don't realize is that even though it's somewhat of a suburban district, it has a lot of rural areas to cover, and the truely suburban parts of the district are the wealthy white Western portions of Henrico and Chesterfield counties, maybe some of the furthest reaches of NoVA are included in Spotsylvania county. Some of Goochland and Powhatan are suburban, but still quite conservative. It will be a tough nut to crack.
  2. I am highly considering volunteering on her campaign. Gotta find the time, but I think I can manage.
  3. I wonder if Putin bluffed and said there would be nuclear war if Trump didn't get on with removing the sanctions? Not like we'd ever know because there were no other fucking Americans there. I mean, in addition to the per tape and other kompromat
  4. If any of these Republican cowards cared about their historical reputation above their personal electoral fortunes, this nightmare would be over.
  5. I know that, but the idea is Trump is so enamored with Putin, it's consentual. I'd say that's more on the rape-y side than homophobic. Both of those statements imply that the man did not or could not consent.
  6. The idea that Trump and Putin having sex together is used to emasculate both of them (particularly Trump here in the US). It's trolling Trump supporters (like the ~90% of evangelicals who support him) not just because he's a puppet or stooge, but specifically because he is that while also engaging in homosexual behavior. The implicit declaration is "your tough guy isn't tough because he's gay"
  7. Easy to say when you're sitting at home. Why didn't he say that to the world when standing next to Putin?
  8. How could someone who looks like that not realize the only reason a good* looking woman would be interested in him must have some ulterior motives?
  9. In this particular case, the Senate voted 97-2 to accept them into NATO, and Trump himself signed the Senate ratification of their accession into NATO
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