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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Can't wait for the Putin White House meeting right before the midterms
  2. Those countries haven't. What Republicans are saying (and this axiom is always true) is that under a socialist government, they will take the country to a totalitarian end game.
  3. Iraq was fine until Obama unilaterally pulled out our brave American troops (who he hates BTW) so he could single handedly create ISIS
  4. Where in the act does it specifically call out California? I could see this portion of the act being thrown out because it gives California something that other states have, and that I believe is unconstitutional
  5. Striking down this provision would probably take some interesting mental gymnastics, given that the court seems to be somewhat deferential to Congress if Congress passes a constitutional law. And here, Congress is fairly specific in that the administrator shall issue a waiver unless some very specific conditions are met. Striking down the whole law, though, would be less shocking. Auto manufacturers would hate it, and so would every state not named California, as auto manufacturers would default to them as standard, as having multiple skus would be cost prohibitive. Striking down the clean air act with respect to the ICC would be huge also. In that case, virtually any law passed by Congress under the guise of interstate commerce would go out the window. Makes me think that a direct tax on given pollutants would be more constitutionally tenable, but that would require a functioning government.
  6. On most issues, she's fairly progressive. The thing people don't realize is that even though it's somewhat of a suburban district, it has a lot of rural areas to cover, and the truely suburban parts of the district are the wealthy white Western portions of Henrico and Chesterfield counties, maybe some of the furthest reaches of NoVA are included in Spotsylvania county. Some of Goochland and Powhatan are suburban, but still quite conservative. It will be a tough nut to crack.
  7. I am highly considering volunteering on her campaign. Gotta find the time, but I think I can manage.
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