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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Cause fuck the middle class. Means testing is just a way of weakening political support for a program. Instead of it being universal, it's a program for the poors and can be cut with impunity, or just not implemented at all.
  2. Republicans talking about "Dem garbage" in southeast Michigan is totally not coded racial language.
  3. If Trump wins in 2020 that's enough reason to go out of country. I'd say pretty damn left if I had to pick a place on the spectrum, but with a healthy respect for markets so I can't get on the DSA or tariff train. Without a doubt Trump's presidency has moved me further left than I thought would happen.
  4. Went to be an analyst. That stem degree buys a decent amount of credibility when your boss has an engineering background. Mostly a different company/industry. The political aspect is secondary, to be honest, but it's still something to consider.
  5. There is a very nonzero chance that they would attempt/actually implement a national LTC program, that would effectively put me out of a job in this current company. With Trump, it's a very zero chance this happens. But regardless, that would be 2020, and it would be well past time to jump for greener pastures.
  6. Heh, I work for a long term care insurance company. And I agree 100% with this article. Luckily for me, I'm in a tech role so I can transition out of this if necessary (I'm not going to be here long term anyway, maybe another two years before jumping ship, and definitely jumping if a democratic Congress and president are in office)
  7. I wonder if Ron Ryan hasn't had time to read this, or anything else, now that he's busy preparing for life after retirement
  8. These lunches are aimed primarily at software engineers and similar white collar roles, who have new college graduates start over $100k/year at average companies with kids from average CS programs. Provided lunches aren't for the janitors or other blue collar types, who really do struggle in the Bay area. These people are on track to make a stupid amount of money, and can set themselves up to move across country in a similar role for at something like 80% pay for a 50% COL adjustment. I'm not going to mourn the loss of this untaxed perk for those who literally are in the best career track possible today when there are real issues with poverty and the cost of living in the Bay area.
  9. Yeah, housing prices are high but it's not for stupid reasons like in 2008. It's due to a lack of supply and a strong demand. This is only similar to 2008 in that prices are high.
  10. We did kinda overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy so white people could grow sugar. So there's that.
  11. Government, through zoning laws, needs to get out of the way and allow building in desirable areas. FHA could loosen restrictions on loans for condos as well. I personally don't want a big ass house deep in the suburbs. I'd be more than happy with a decent condo or townhome in a decent part of the city, if I didn't need to pay $500k+ for it
  12. Just like when they were silent a couple of years ago when philando castile was shot after he told a cop he had a firearm. Something just wasn't quite white about it
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