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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Hey, as of today that's House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
  2. That's exactly my point. Not having a government correct past government actions would look like the US after the end of formal segregation, where the institutions of racism remain in place, but not much is done to right the wrongs in housing, education, etc.
  3. It needs a carbon tax with a dividend, but to transition to a low carbon economy will require a significant governmental response and spending. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's 70+ years of suburban development that needs adaptation to transition to a more sustainable pattern. The market can't and won't solve everything
  4. Well he's cornered, time to try and get M4A or the Green New Deal for the wall, I'd be ok with that.
  5. The mother of one of my best friends has pancreatic cancer. Not sure how much time she has left. Save your sympathy though. She's the worst person I've ever met, a complete sociopath. I feel bad for her teenage daughter, though. She is sweet and I hope can stay safe after her mother passes.
  6. Geraldo accusing another person of showboating without a hint of irony
  7. The biff character is partly based on Donald Trump theyre really not being creative in calling Trump that https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump#
  8. Let's start the new year/new Congress and see how this is gonna work out.
  9. Ancient computer systems in the US government keep things in all caps. And now it's just expected! Iirc the national weather service tried/did change to proper, mixed case and had a minor backlash because people liked the all caps weather notices. https://gizmodo.com/the-national-weather-service-will-save-its-all-caps-for-1770370559
  10. I've seen this at clubs downtown here that want to avoid """"gangs"""""
  11. The leftist "Russia is a nothingburger" narrative must be maintained
  12. What evidence does he have that Medicare for all is a loser in Indiana?
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