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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. It would be in great shape if we lifted the income cap on taxation. Even if no changes are made, it can give out 75% of current benefits for a long long time starting in the 2030s.
  2. A whole lot of relatively poor people who can't afford to save for retirement and also live with some sort of dignity.
  3. Can we get this in units I understand? Like football fields or something you use for books idk
  4. U.S. economy adds 157,000 jobs in July, slightly below expectations https://wapo.st/2na1c60 Decent report given the revisions from the last two months, but wage growth remains poop
  5. I'm an Ohio State fan. Urban probably needs to be fired. It's not clear that he let the Title IX rep at OSU know about this, and Urban sure as shit knew, and he HAS to report. Also, from McMurphy, he says he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that nearly everyone (and their wives) who has been on staff for Urban since Zack Smith was hired in 2009 at Florida knew something. This has the potential to blow up massively in college football, as coaches on his staff since then have gone on to be head coaches in their own right. He could have come out and said he thought he could make him a better person, etc by keeping him on staff, but it looks like he's lied to at least the public saying he didn't know, so his only plausible defense is gone with his public statement. One of the greatest college football coaches of all time brought down by a shitty WR coach (whose Grandpa was Earl Bruce) out of some stupid, fucked up sense of loyalty.
  6. All the establishment knows is identity politics and corporatism lite.
  7. For what it's worth, the policy is shit. It's yet another upper middle class attempt to seem reasonable, but not understand the plight of the poor and working classes, and how the dynamic you propose further perpetuates the antagonism between the two groups. What is a reasonable copay? Or deductible? Can someone making $10/hr working 60 hour weeks afford that if they break a leg and can't work, let alone be able to take off a few hours of hourly labor (with no job protection mind you) in order to make it to the doctor that they still have to pay 2 hours of their labor in a copay? The upper twenty percent have gotten virtually all the wage gains in the past ~50 years. They are the ones who have money to fund their 401ks and IRAs and other tax advantaged ways to realize that gains in the market far outweigh wage gains in the long term. They should be the ones who pay for the vast majority of healthcare for all, and it shouldn't be another "fuck the middle class" where they make too much to get good subsidies, and make to little to afford it outright.
  8. So the working and middle classes gets a tax hike and the "undeserving poor" (in the eyes of many working and middle class people) continue to live high on the hog and get severely subsidized health care? What working or middle class person would get a tax increase and still be ok with being on the hook for a """reasonable""" deductible? What do they get out of it, besides yet another expensive program for lazy poor that they get nothing from? Maybe the end result looks something like what you are proposing. But you fall for the trap that Democrats have for years: starting from watered down shit, and continue to water it down.
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