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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Corporations having the rights of actual persons is the most insane work of legal fiction in this country. Individuals have rights corporations do not. It is high time that this be enshrined by law
  2. She'd literally everything they hate or can't relate to in one person. She's a young, educated woman of color from an urban area. Also, she's an openly admitted democratic socialist.
  3. Last time I saw my sister in law's best friend who is a nurse and she (adopted at birth from Guatamala, US citizen with the English you would expect from someone who has spent all their life here) told us how some dude started hurling racial slurs at her and tried to attack her, if not for the nurses station desk in the way
  4. Exactly. These strongmen/fascists/dictators rely on the business minded to keep support. All the furrowed brows mean nothing because they're still willing to go to bat for these Trump's/MBS's/etc because it means "reform" for businesses. They are being finally honest though. They care more about $$$ than liberal democratic values.
  5. Lol looks like hundreds of thousands of people are gonna lose their homes and be out of a job for months for some stupid fucking wall
  6. They can override a veto, but turtle won't bring the bill to a vote without Trump's support
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