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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. They have probably the biggest organized YIMBY contingent in the country. Things are that bad there! They're not really exempt, but they have a fairly organized counter that is starting to make headway. (Or at least that is my perception based on my urbanist media spheres)
  2. I would expect many would be open to some of these arguments but for one major issue: white liberals! See here NIMBYs are powerful, and outside of SF, they run cities, and isn't just limited to blocking anti racist items, but more banal things which might, maybe, tangentially affect their property values.
  3. Which is why it needs to be sold on lower taxes (higher density development doesn't need subsidies) and better experiences, like outdoor dining in cities, and increased access to recreation like safe biking
  4. That's why almost no one is saying abolish all of the above by fiat. Hell, even a car free city needs a transition period, but it starts with ending subsidies for cars like free parking and minimum parking requirements in new development (in core and core adjacent areas that are well served by transit and/or are walkable) and undoing racist zoning that keeps housing from being built in areas that most need it: high price, high demand areas, instead of pushing that development in minority/less affluent neighborhoods, causing gentrification. All while we prioritize humans over 2,000 lbs of steel and aluminum by making places safe to walk and bike to and through. And move from there. These things must be done, if not for future human health, then for current human health, safety, and economy.
  5. We're gonna spend many multiple of $ as a % of GDP for worse results in terms of covid suppression/case counts and economic recovery. The wealthy will make out like bandits though. The American way!
  6. I have it on good authority, from multiple viral conservative Facebook posts, that masks will in fact make you sick
  7. Just like the primaries! But Texas also does not have no excuse absentee ballots, and fear of covid is not a valid reason for an absentee ballot!
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