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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. That's not population density like what you associate with new york. I've never disputed that congregant crowding is a cause of spread. I previously used grocery stores as an example of how disease could spread in rural areas! But city density in and of itself has little to do with spread. See Seoul on one hand, and the Navajo nation on the other.
  2. Who says other governor's don't also need to resign? Almost the entirety of the government from top to bottom needs to resign. Such a massive failure everywhere. Cuomo just has the best media coverage so it's easy to go after him.
  3. You do have to have generally similar population among districts. But the idea remains the same, pack Dems in a couple of heavy Dem districts(70-30 or so or more), and crack the rest into multiple 57-43 GOP leaning districts
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/18/us/navajo-nation-infection-rate-trnd/index.html "Absurd"
  5. https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/108-20/transcript-mayor-de-blasio-governor-cuomo-hold-media-availability-the-first-confirmed-case-of You can't read this and think that they had no way to influence media, and thus public, perception of the issue. They aren't just some guys, they're the supposed leaders making bold pronouncements like He was "just the flu bro"-ing on March 2 And confidently stating It can both be true that he fucked up messaging from the start, and bad policy weeks into the pandemic, but recovered once things got out of hand.
  6. Oh no it would be terrible if research information regarding a covid vaccine were more accessable, and worse even if Russia came up with a vaccine!
  7. I don't want you to waste too much time on Cuomo but it is a nice, easy sign of state failure that he's held up as the paragon of good governance when under his watch tens of thousands of preventable deaths were had and there are 0 serious calls for his resignation! He gets good marks for cleaning up his own mess!
  8. Cuomo and deblasio's failures to act early not only cost the lives of tens of thousands but helped facilitate the rapid spread of the virus throughout the country. That they haven't resigned is a disgrace, and an indication of state failure. Most, if not all, governor's are in the same boat, along with the vast majority of the trump administration in this regard. Hell I'd argue almost all elected officials should resign in light of the current failure of state. If he won't resign over the deaths of tens of thousands, it doesn't bode well for more banal issues like how We still don't have all ballots counted from the NY primary that happened weeks ago, and may not still know for weeks. Who gives a fuck about Bernie jfc
  9. https://newrepublic.com/article/158489/andrew-cuomo-coronavirus-mountain-poster-governors-should-resign
  10. In tone maybe, but in substance and policy he's a typical conservative. He got the usmca which is basically NAFTA with minimal changes. He's not against free trade.
  11. He was strapped to the table for hours before injection and the order that allowed him to be put to death may have expired hours before his execution so the state is just doing away with the pretense of legality for this!
  12. Even just making it consistently competitive I think may cause a rethinking of how they waste millions of R voters in "blue" states. I dunno! It's not a solid theory but I can only see any Rs getting on board after Texas is no longer a layup
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