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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/14/611116451/fatal-pedestrian-crashes-increasingly-involve-suvs-study-finds Per IIHS
  2. It's gonna be an early 40-something tradcath federalist society anti abortion woman
  3. Yes, especially after Nov 3. Kav got through with a less right wing senate ffs
  4. Oh, and if you do hit and kill them, you'll probably get off with a warning because you "didn't see them" because of our fucked up legal system when it comes to the death of pedestrians
  5. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
  6. It's always worth repeating that this is because we just won't pay people to stay the fuck at home like in other countries, because of republicans and a few conservative dems
  7. Lol not even close. I grew up in rural Appalachia.
  8. The only reason we are saying we have to open the schools is because trump, and other dipshit republicans, think "opening" the economy is the goal, and not keeping people safe and at home until we can actually get a handle on the virus because doing so would require intervention by the state and not for the benefit of corporate power
  9. With these big trucks, you're more likely to kill someone if you hit them, and while you can more easily see other cars on the road, it's harder to see children and other nondrivers around you.
  10. No, and fuck anyone who thinks risking the lives of teachers (and students!) is worth it
  11. Gonna need to end the security state (mostly built after 9/11) for our actual liberty This is literally "secret police" shit. How long till the proud boys get deputized? Would anyone know?
  12. There was a HUD rule from the Obama administration that made an effort to actually enforce the Fair Housing Act. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/477171-hud-to-rollback-obama-era-housing-desegregation-rule
  13. I don't disagree! But I wouldn't hold off necessary stimulus because there big dumb one is throwing a temper tantrum about it
  14. Know what else will fuck with social security? An extended economic depression because we didn't do enough during this crisis to make up for/mitigate the massive drop in demand
  15. A payroll tax cut will only help those with jobs lol But just give the damn tax cut, but make sure the other stuff in the bill doesn't suck, like $$$ for cities and states, keeping expanded UE, and checks probably wouldn't hurt since the UE stuff seems to be a goddamn mess.
  16. The only way we're getting out of this is with a million+ dead this country is such fucking dog shit
  17. For clarity, I never said it was not a factor, in fact a study on H1N1 showed that about 10% of cases can be traced back to the subway in NYC, but that there is nothing inherent about high density cities or transit use that makes them more likely to have outbreaks than rural and/or car based transportation systems. Being in close proximity to people matters more than why you're close. And as the spread continues to go wild in FL, TX, and AZ this will continue to be true.
  18. So who's more likely to be spending 6+ hours working in close contact with other people? And why does Staten island, with the least transit access, have the second highest case rate of the 5 boroughs? There's much more to cases and spread than population density and transit use. And had the state and city government worked sooner much more could have been avoided
  19. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page Famously sparse Manhattan with fewer cases on a per capita basis than dense Queens
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