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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. They're gonna helicopter some folks by the time the election rolls around
  2. Being retroactive to March 2020 would be big though towards helping fix the issue and getting people back in homes, because I just assume at this point that the eviction crisis will be coming to pass. That said, after Aug 1 all bets are off if we do start kicking millions upon millions out on their ass.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/07/18/white-house-testing-budget-cdc-coronavirus/ Trump apparently doesn't want to win in November
  4. Good thread just looking at the changes to his speech for the March, I just wanted to point this out because I thought it was interesting RIP
  5. You know, I Apoc, You Apoc, He she me Apoc, Apocing, We'll have thee Apoc, Apocrama, Apocology, The study of Apoc? It's first grade SpongeBob!
  6. Car culture in this country is almost as dumb as gun culture. We love our personalities being defined by the things we buy, don't we folks?
  7. I'm so glad euro soccer is generally on at reasonable hours, because fuck watching golf
  8. Imagine that you're stopped at a stoplight, check ing your phone (as so many people do) get honked at for not going after the light turns green, you gas it to only hit someone right in front of you. Not out of the realm of possibility! It doesn't have to be a cell phone so don't get hung up on that point, it could be the radio or talking to a passenger. People aren't perfect and that's why we should engineer safety for, well, everything where humans have control. I've driven dozens of types of cars when I used to travel for work, hell I owned a truck for about ten years, and I can tell you that trucks have great sightlines, they're not perfect and do have blind spots, and those can be very dangerous to pedestrians. This isn't controversial! And the research backs this up.
  9. Mitch and others have already packed the court by refusing to confirm judges and justices from 2015-2017 under obama don't give me this shit it's weak
  10. For the record, packing the court should be the credible threat in order to pass a constitutional amendment that explicitly calls a size of the supreme and inferior courts and also limits the length of tenure for judges and justices, and a few limited but related other issues. This is a deescalation move
  11. If they win via small d democratic means then...well...thems the breaks
  12. Just imagine where we'd be if we just did that starting back in March when the first checks went out! Just kept doing that and there wouldn't be the push to open up
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