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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I mean my God, they used a little bit of rioting, and one burned police precinct (that they withdrew from mind you) from back in May as justification for weeks of wanton flashbangs and tear gassing of unarmed protestors. Do you seriously think that they wouldn't take a cadre of armed Black Panthers, as an example, to stop gassing and using flash bangs? Hell no, they'd see it as proof of actual revolutionary intent! And the state would not let that happen, especially not for a black-led movement.
  2. Or they'd use the arms as justification to up the ante. You need to explain the ideological / racial / socioeconomic links between state security forces / state security personnel and the responses of state violence towards someone like the Bundy's vs the response to largely non-white and largely nonviolent protestors. Hint: one is actually challenging power structures and one was looking to fundamentally uphold the status quo and their own favored status
  3. Absolutely. He's a full on douchebag who has such an anger management problem he got a Politico write up on how he's working on getting it under control before his 2016 run lol Ohioans: not that smart (they're still in Ohio!)
  4. Lmao thinking a gun will be able to protect you if the state really comes knocking
  5. All* are welcome here *Provided you can afford to live here, so you're probably white anyway
  6. They're gonna helicopter some folks by the time the election rolls around
  7. Being retroactive to March 2020 would be big though towards helping fix the issue and getting people back in homes, because I just assume at this point that the eviction crisis will be coming to pass. That said, after Aug 1 all bets are off if we do start kicking millions upon millions out on their ass.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/07/18/white-house-testing-budget-cdc-coronavirus/ Trump apparently doesn't want to win in November
  9. Good thread just looking at the changes to his speech for the March, I just wanted to point this out because I thought it was interesting RIP
  10. You know, I Apoc, You Apoc, He she me Apoc, Apocing, We'll have thee Apoc, Apocrama, Apocology, The study of Apoc? It's first grade SpongeBob!
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