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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. He's not wrong! Make it a universal program, then progressively increase the taxes on those with higher and higher incomes. Means testing is for dumb dumbs
  2. Yeah that's the thing: they're absolutely going to fuck up immigration status. They fuck up everything else! And fucking it up does two things: makes whiter/non-immigrant states seem to have higher populations for house Apportionment, and will also inflate the number of "illegals" which plays to their base
  3. In 2000 GWB openly courted Muslims, and visited a mosque! Then 9/11 and the largely (but not exclusively) conservative anti Muslim backlash happened. Muslims and other immigrants and even most black Americans would be more welcome in the republican party on social issues, but they just can't get over their racism!
  4. They're setting up for an October surprise. I won't believe a word of it from Trump, and I suspect most people won't either unless it's backed up by other countries and/or Dr Fauci. This administration has 0 credibility
  5. Oh, yeah. Misread that. Yeah a law requiring 60 votes to pass whatever would be pretty blatantly unconstitutional, especially under a separation of powers Roberts court. The house and president have no bearing on what it takes to pass a bill in the Senate that isn't prescribed in the Constitution
  6. Unless the government directs this, this will 100% not happen. It's not JIT, too costly. Nurses and doctors would get it first, then probably the wealthy, the police, and high profile athletes. Then everyone else based on who can pay for it first, because there's no way this would be covered with minimal out of pocket cost even with relatively good insurance And it will 100% not be free under Trump so good luck to the millions who are uninsured
  7. And these folks you've seen pictured are from the daytime, when a casual observation tells you the real "fun" has been at night
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