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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. When you realize that the M-I-C is a jobs program you see why cutting the defense budget without spending that money elsewhere is a bad idea. Hell I'm in favor of slashing the so-called defense budget to ribbons and I'd have voted against this!
  2. I was told on a Facebook post that the Amish aren't affected by covid because they don't have TV (implying that it's a media driven story, and not a fucking pandemic)
  3. Theodore gets it. He might actually be the most dangerous republican, as he's smart and has no morals, even when it comes to defending his family. Also, Holy shit I didn't realize trump wanted the whole fucking thing temporarily repealed. Jesus that's worse than I thought.
  4. It's almost as if states have decided to make getting unemployment as burdensome as possible to keep people off the dole!
  5. I know it's a chicken and egg problem, but the angriest people I've ever met had been divorced dudes
  6. If you're not in their district they don't care, and even then, only marginally depending on how much you donate and vote
  7. He's not wrong! Make it a universal program, then progressively increase the taxes on those with higher and higher incomes. Means testing is for dumb dumbs
  8. Yeah that's the thing: they're absolutely going to fuck up immigration status. They fuck up everything else! And fucking it up does two things: makes whiter/non-immigrant states seem to have higher populations for house Apportionment, and will also inflate the number of "illegals" which plays to their base
  9. In 2000 GWB openly courted Muslims, and visited a mosque! Then 9/11 and the largely (but not exclusively) conservative anti Muslim backlash happened. Muslims and other immigrants and even most black Americans would be more welcome in the republican party on social issues, but they just can't get over their racism!
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