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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I was about to post something similar to this. This is how you can tell it's real because it being fake would require them to do too much detail work to make it believable
  2. http://en.m.wikipedia.org//static/favicon/wikipedia.ico United States presidential line of succession - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG This would mean if we got to Ben Carson all kinds of good things would have happened
  3. This is extremely the funniest thing to have happened this year and it's not even close
  4. Also, Joe, I know you're out there reading our posts but get tested and please God stay safe
  5. Here's a study I like because it's from Richmond so many of these places are familiar to me Home prices dropping by 20% is probably an indicator of something big happening in the local or national economy, not likely due to nearby apartment construction. Longer term regional construction, however, might cause that.
  6. I truly wish Stephen Miller, when he had it, died from it. Objectively the world would be a better place!
  7. Right after Scotus says "lol illegal" to the ACA and the filibuster is in place, and nothing happens, and we're back to the health insurance system of 2008 it's gonna be great
  8. Actblue has brought in donations of nearly half a billion dollars for democratic candidates across the country just since rbg died
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