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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. A majority is required for a quorum per the constitution but how that quorum is determined is up for interpretation
  2. My unsubstantiated theory: He got it some time before the debate, and he was doing "ok" because it was early in the infection. With this in mind, they thought they could slow roll this to downplay it if/when trump recovers. Problem is he's getting worse so the cat is out of the bag.
  3. like this standard for a minor sex scandal when his opponent sold stock on insider congressional information and subsequently tested positive for coronavirus while supporting trump/downplaying the virus Good thing partisanship is pretty baked in
  4. There's far fewer undecided voters than last time, Biden is already polling at 50% or higher in many polls in many critical swing states Both of these things are true of Biden that aren't true of Clinton It's a different election than 2016
  5. Get with the times http://apnews.com//branding/apple-touch/ap-news-apple-touch-167.png After pandemic delay, Biden launching in-person canvassing APNEWS.COM NEW YORK (AP) — After months of avoiding direct contact with voters because of the pandemic, Joe Biden's campaign is about to launch door-to-door canvassing across several...
  6. Slightly more forgivable given how early it was and their lack of testing ability due in part to our sanctions We have no excuse
  7. North carolinian democrats and extramarital affairs name a more iconic duo
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