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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Also it sounds like the briefing doctor essentially said he needed oxygen intermittently, not continuously so in that case apparently giving dex is not a good idea, pointing back to the original tweet of mine today that @Joe responded to
  2. Unless pence has military authority, trump can simply order that he be discharged lol.
  3. Yeah a week to ten days or so in is about where shit gets really messy for those with a bad case from what I understand/read
  4. It's quite clear that the Senate can set its own rules too, there's no standing for Dems to sue, let alone have the judicial branch determine the rules of one other branch/chamber
  5. A majority is required for a quorum per the constitution but how that quorum is determined is up for interpretation
  6. My unsubstantiated theory: He got it some time before the debate, and he was doing "ok" because it was early in the infection. With this in mind, they thought they could slow roll this to downplay it if/when trump recovers. Problem is he's getting worse so the cat is out of the bag.
  7. like this standard for a minor sex scandal when his opponent sold stock on insider congressional information and subsequently tested positive for coronavirus while supporting trump/downplaying the virus Good thing partisanship is pretty baked in
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