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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. What's the damn point of our worldwide military presence if we can't use it for refugee resettlement in an emergency
  2. Ubi won't happen, and neither will super advanced ai and robotics at least not in our lifetime. Move those boxes a foot in any direction and those robots will be useless. We also won't ever have self driving vehicles
  3. Never has there been a more clear example of how credulous trump is than this right here. "Mr President, sir, you really should, sir, take this threat very seriously, sir. Thank you, sir" "Xi personally told me he's got it so I believe him. Now go get me a diet coke"
  4. Opinion | Tom Cotton: Send In the Military - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM The nation must restore order. The military stands ready. where's the equivalent democratic oped to this? From a sitting senator with presidential aspirations? No? Nothing? Shut the fuck up then. Trying to both sides the descent into open authoritarianism and fascism is willfully ignorant at best, and indicates a goldfish brain incapable of remembering 6 months to one year in the past at minimum. Oh look more left wing illiberalism This is an elected official. Find a Dem elected who has said 1/10th of this and hasn't resigned within a week
  5. Now quote the rest of the paragraph with some important context: Further there's also no evidence of related viruses being worked on at WIV and the article also answers why specific scenarios that would indicate a lab leak have no evidence for them. Lastly, Lab origin isn't fully ruled out but it seems very highly unlikely.
  6. There's more to it than that if you read the paper, but that is an argument made (because it's not wrong!) I just posted a clip from the conclusion.
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