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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Yeah I brought this up in the old thread too... everyone ignores that shit. Anakin was building robots, racing pod-racers and dogfighting in space all at the dear old age of FIVE. He's like the Kim Jon Un of the Star Wars U.
  2. ... and yes this is currently the best DC show on the CW right now. So fun and irreverant and I love the pop culture references and homages they do. They are clearly having fun with the show. I met one of the writers on the show some months back and she said they are the red headed step children of CW superhero family.
  3. I wonder if I'd mind the pacing as much knowing going in what the pacing will be. I rewatched it Friday... still love the movie but the whole Kanto Bite sequence drags the pacing to complete halt. I dislike it more now than I did when I saw the movie in the theaters the first three times. Love everything else about the movie though.
  4. Don't know why folks are sleeping on Absolver. I thought it had just as good combat as For Honor if not better.
  5. How do those Jedi Knight games hold up? I always heard how good they were.
  6. Watched season one of Marcella on Netflix... fun little crime thriller. Nothing amazing but entertaining. 7-10
  7. What are the best Star Wars games out there, P.C. and Console? I never beat KOTOR 2, maybe I should fix that at some point.
  8. Showtime has the money to pull this off... HBO is kinda floundering right now, desperate for their next big must watch show after Game of Thrones ends. Westworld COULD be that but that show is too dense for general audiences. Showtime wants they're own big budget must watch show. I'm confident they have the resources to pull it off. Whether they execute or not is a different story.
  9. That doesn't matter... it's still a strong brand with a dedicated fan base and that's what show runners and networks are looking for. How many copies has the Halo series sold at this point? How much money has that franchise generated? I'd wager that it's probably more than the Song of Fire and Ice books generated when HBO approved that for a series. Same with The Walking Dead and AMC. Showtime doesn't really have a big event series and that's what they're looking for. I guarantee you that's why they greenlit this. I'd be curious to see what the budget is on this because THAT will determine how serious they are about it. They creative team behind it says to me that they are pretty damn serious about it.
  10. He'll be working in another department before the end of the year.
  11. That was at the underpinning of a lot of the new trilogy hate ever since Finn was revealed to be a black Storm Trooper in the first trailer awhile back. Then the focus on Female protagonists and a diverse cast. Again, not saying that ALL folks who dislike the new films fall into this bucket, like you said. But a LOT do. See all the "Rey is a Mary Sue" bullshit when she basically follows the same Ark as Neo and countless other heroes we've seen in adventure media over the decades. The difference? She's a chick.
  12. I played a shit ton of State of Decay 2 this weekend. Loving this game.
  13. Make sure you turn on the closed captions for the translations...
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