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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I didnt realize that and checked out after the third or fourth episode. been meaning to get back to it but never heard good things really.
  2. I'd be more impressed of they took that 15 million and made their own movie with their own characters... you know how many filmmakers and creative folks I know would KILL for 15 mil to produce their own scripts? "Fans" today are such clowns with zero perspective.
  3. It's going to be either a Justice League game or a Wonder Woman game from what I understand. Wonder Woman is definitely in it.
  4. It's actually a fun game based on the demo I played.
  5. Spiderman Ass. Creed Odyssey Shadow of the Tomb Raider S.C.U.M. Red Dead Redemption 2 Fallout 76 Those are all day one though I will most certainly buy a bunch of other games too on impulse lol
  6. I'm good with this. Gives me time to at least ATTEMPT to beat some other games in the backlog.
  7. You wouldn't know that the way gamers bitch about them. I never spent any real money on a game that had them and never saw the need to. The Shadow of War thread that was up when this game came out was fucking ridiculous and full of outright misinformation.
  8. You never have to spend real money in this game... EVER. I said at launch the lootbox thing in n this game was overblown and predicted a ton of threads like this once people actually played the game.
  9. Exactly... who did you guys think that distress call went out to? I was surprised when he wasn't in Last Jedi.
  10. I own the first two games and have never played them. Got the first one cheap and the second for free.
  11. Most every restaurant I go to now has gotten rid of plastic straws... why is this news?
  12. I remember a conversation I had about 4 years ago with a dude who works for HBO about how Netflix was their biggest threat and he dismissed it... everything I said to him them has since come true. Fuck that guy lol... he was so arrogant and dismissive.
  13. You are DEFINITELY in the minority regarding The Witcher. The gameplay in the first game is laughably bad. It just is. I have yet to finish it after several attempts. there is nothing "bloated" about Tge Witcher 3... you and I are clearly at opposite ends of the spectrum on this... Oh and SnakeEater is the best Metal Gear game to date.
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