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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I'll check Source Code out the next time it's on cable or something... I remember it being similar to Deja Vu? I actually liked that movie a lot. Moon, I saw a couple of times... it's not bad. Just underwhelming considering the hype it got. At least to me. I thought it was a great effort for a first time though and looked forward to films from him in the future and have been disappointed. I follow him on Twitter and he seems like a cool guy though.
  2. Na, I thought both were decent but not amazing. Didnt see Warcraft and Mute was pretty bad.
  3. I thought the same thing... I don't know what the haters were expecting to be honest. Great season that moved the story and characters forward.
  4. Source Code! That's the other one I was trying to think of... is that the one with Jake Gyllenhaal? That was ok as well... I honestly don't remember much about it besides it existing.
  5. Are you talking about Mute? That was him, right? I always suspected he was overrated... I wasn't as big on Moon as everyone else.
  6. Yeah, I'm curious how Supergirl fits as well... unless it takes place on her Earth where it's been implied that Batman exists. Lol, I just got that reference.
  7. https://deadline.com/2018/07/batwoman-tv-series-i-the-cw-lesbian-superhero-lead-caroline-dries-greg-berlanti-1202427678/ I know the big CW show crossover this winter will involve Batwoman.
  8. Why do people keep acting like Bernie Sanders just popped up out of nowhere? He's been in the Senate since the 90's... and he y'know, lost. To the worst Presidential candidate in history apparently. THAT is the definition of success?
  9. At least Obama had the balls to look Putin in the face and tell him to "cut it out"... also fuck McConnell. He refused to sign the joint statement the Obama administration wanted to put our denouncing Russian interference... dude is a HUGE piece of shit.
  10. I'm not saying Obama was perfect. I'm saying that blaming him for Trump when he left the country in far better shape than he found it despite constant Republican opposition and unprecedented levels of disrespect and undermining. Thinking that the first black President in this country could follow a Progressive agenda without being accused by the Right of being a Socialist who wants to take guns and food from white people and give them to minorities displays an incredible lack of understanding about how racial politics work in this country. Trump won because White America panicked and thought the country was changing too fast and they would lose their privaledged position. That's why Trump won. Only another White man, MAYBE could have beaten him and no I don't count Bernie. Ultimately you know who is responsible for Trump? The American Electorate.
  11. That's my point... they've deliberately mislead their supporters for their own shortsighted benefit.
  12. Which makes them even stupider if not moreso. My point was less about and understanding of digital Technology and more about willful ignorance.
  13. These people don't believe global warming is a thing... do you really think they would understand server and computer Technology? Again conservatives and the Republican establishment have done this country a huge disservice playing to the ignorance of their voters for 30 years and it blew up in their faces with the election of Trump. We just have to hope there's enough people with sense left in this country to get us back on track... I have my doubts.
  14. I read a lot of those comments and there's nothing funny about them. It's sad and another indication that our best days as a country are sadly behind us.
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