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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. And my point is don't put yourself in that position in the first place... these are unforced errors. Folks are posting dumb shit PUBLICLY for some reason and then act surprised when they get held to account for it. YOU did this shit... no one forced you to... for all the attention whores on Twitter, there are plenty of people who use these platforms responsibly... there are also plenty of people who don't use them at all... so yes, it's fucked up that trolls can dig through your digital history in order to use things you may have said against you, what's even more fucked up is that YOU gave them the ammunition to use against you in the first place. It's not like he was taken out of context or it was a one off... he did it. He's gotta wear that and companies should absolutely not give a pass to folks Twitter accounts. Not at all. And where do felons get second, third and fourth chances in this country? For the most part if you're a felon and you're not rich and famous, you're fucked.
  2. Or, people can show some discipline and not feel the need to dump their random, fucked up thoughts on a public forum that they have no control over. If people just started running out into the middle of the street and shouted random stupid shit, we'd think that person had emotional problems or impulse control issues at the very least, right? Twitter is the same thing. Don't tweet stupid shit if you dont want to be held accountable for it later... it's not that hard.
  3. THIS... it's why I don't carry or own a gun despite losing several family members to gun violence and having been confronted by guys with guns several times in my life. I can't think of one instance in those situations where having a gun would have made a difference, much less made things better. The only reason I see to have a gun is to protect your home and even then it's risky considering the number of accidental shootings that happen every year that the C.D.C. can't report. My attitude may change once I have a family of my own to protect but right now? I see carrying a gun as being more dangerous than not personally.
  4. Started last night on Crunchyroll. While it was entertaining, I felt like I missed an episode between what I thought was the season finale last year and the season premiere this year. Anyone else watching?
  5. I use my Xbox and TV in the livingroom, in the bedroom I use a ps3 slim and another xbox for streaming cable.
  6. I cut a piece on sharks a few years ago and one of the guys who hosted the piece was featured on one of the shows on shark week this year. Isn't shark week usually in August though?
  7. Can we dispel with this bullshit notion that either everything is ok to joke about or nothing is? How come comedy seems to be the only area where intelligent people try to justify such an ignorant and extreme point of view? There's nuance and discretion involved with everything but comics seem to want to be exceptions. Basically it's a catch all cover for when they fuck up... which usually involves a " joke" that is not only offensive but worse, UNFUNNY. That's the bigger offense here... also stop confusing DELIBERATELY OFFENSIVE AND DESPERATELY PROVOCATIVE with being clever and edgy. This shit was a lazy, unfunny attempt at getting a being... something, and it failed. Let him deal with the consequences and not give stupid shit like this anymore attention.
  8. You must not have seen too many of them... that shit was awful when I was 5... it's even worse now. The human characters in the most recent American Godzilla movies were mostly forgettable but the ones in Kong were definitely entertaining.
  9. So... what the fuck? Pedophilia is funny to some people? I get that it's not real, but what's the fucking point? Why do these guys insist on doing shit like this?
  10. Humans have ALWAYS had stories in Godzilla movies... shit one of his classic movies was about a latch key kid who got chased by bullies and ultimately foiled some robbers scheme. At least the two Monsterverse movies so far have not had anything anywhere NEAR as ludicrous as what the Japanese films typically have.
  11. I've only seen part one and while it was watchable, it suffers from the modern anime curse of taking itself WAAAAY too fucking seriously.
  12. Yeah but Aquaman is nowhere near as familiar to the general public as Batman and Superman... most folks don't know his origin. Honestly they've pretty much hamstrung Marvel's ability to do a Namor The Sub Mariner movie because he and Aquaman's origins are virtually identical and the movie Aquaman looks more like Namor than traditional Aquaman.
  13. No you were right the first time... we are indeed, a nation of idiots because only simple minded morons would find this acceptable. Clever sociopaths can basically use this law to provoke situations where they are "forced" to shoot someone and kill them. There are fucked up cases like this happening all the time... I saw one on Dateline where this guy provoked a fight with his neighbors and shot BOTH of them, a husband and wife, to death claiming that he was "In fear for his life". The Law should be able to differentiate between legit self defense and antagonistic behavior that leads to this type of shit. This is horrible and can easily happen to any one of us. As was said earlier this old fuckwit had a pattern of this shit. Please tell me there wasn't a racial component to this story.
  14. You guys didn't like this trailer? Why? I thought it was intense as hell and teased a lot of action while not giving too much away. I like that we didn't fully see King Ghidorah, Rodan or Mothra. Also the woman referred to the monsters as "Titans" and she said there were 10 of them. I can only assume Kong is one and Skull Island will be some kind of focal point for where this is all going... I also assume that Skull Island will eventually be revealed to be Monster Island as well. If Godzilla, Rodan, Kong, Mothra and King Ghidorah are 5 of the ten Titans discussed in the trailer who are the other five? I would assume Anguiruss would have to be one, but what other classic, iconic monsters from the franchise could be as well? Megalon? Gigan?
  15. I think Mamoa is playing Aquaman the way they wanted him to... It's a different take on the character who let's face it, doesn't really have a distinct personality. Mamoa's Aquaman actually reminds me more of Marvel's Namor in look and temperment if not manner. I know they were going for a kind of "Wolverine" vibe with Aquaman for the movies.
  16. I was a little thrown off when she said "superheroes" as well... seemed out of place. I hope the film is good but Shyamalan may be really feeling himself after Split revived his career and may fall back into bad habits.
  17. Does Legendary own the rights to Gamera as well though? remember we still have Godzilla vs King Kong coming as well.
  18. I may have to check GL out now... while I don't always love his stuff, GM always does something interesting. I would have preferred Warren Ellis getting a shot with the title. Who is the artist? By the way, for the first time in my life as a comic reader and collector I legit feel like DC has surpassed Marvel comics wise. The DC books are awesome right now while Marvel seems a little rudderless outside of a few titles.
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